Fearless Adventures


Can you relate to mom fear?

Can you relate to the struggle of wanting to instill adventure, balance, and safety for your children, all at once?

As a mom of three boys, including two teenagers, I find myself searching for activities that will not only include a fun adventure, but also be a natural discussion starter for the entire family. My desire is to develop relationships with my teenagers that will last through high school, college, future moves, marriage, and grandchildren.

Am I the only one who struggles with the thought of having the power to completely destroy my kids lives in one tiny swoop?

In this season, I’m learning to be fearless in my parenting.


What better way to build such relationships than by spending time together outside? In other words, my perfect day with teens is one spent completely outdoors and away from video games, cell phones and other misc. electronics. It is my desire to be intentional in creating a safe environment for my boys to express questions, relay their dreams, and perhaps process what they are learning.



Recently, we had a successful adventure that brought about an unexpected conversation. We decided to pack a picnic lunch and venture to Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve. The rather lengthy trails are surrounded by gorgeous trees and a running creek.  However, the waterfall and swimming hole at the end of the trail is perfect to dip one’s feet in on a hot San Diego day. The trail also leads to the perfect climbing rocks for fearless teenage explorers.

But, I digress. On this particular day, our hiking adventure brought about an unexpected learning experience between me and my oldest son.

“Did you get a picture of us?”, my oldest asked. “We were really high up.” Both my oldest and middle son  found their way through numerous paths leading to what they perceived as dare devil climbing rocks. And what I would perceive as a bit too high in the sky. I bit my tongue. I wanted to say, “Yeah. But you have to be careful. Anything can happen.” I’ve been reminded of his age numerous times in recent days. “Mom, I’m 18,” he said. The other day, my adult son reminded me that I raised him to make good choices.  Indeed, I do need to be reminded of such things. After all, this journey through parenthood is a lifetime learning process, isn’t it?



Sometimes, what comes out of my mouth is based on fear.

Fear of the unknown. Fear that something bad could happen. Occasionally, I voice such fears out loud. Yet, on this particular hiking adventure my son reminded me that I can’t live my life based on fear.

Mom fear.

Can you relate? I’m learning to be better at biting my tongue.

He went on to tell me, “I want to live a life of adventure, mom. I want to travel the world and explore.”  I then realized that I need to step aside and allow my children to tap into their adventurous spirits – without fear.

After all, life is meant to be lived as a glorious adventure.


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Christelle is a mom to two teenage boys and a nine year old son. Her oldest is a new high school graduate. Upon hearing the words, "Congratulations, you are now the mom of a graduate!" she assumed the role of seasoned mom while experiencing shock, awe, happiness, and sadness in one swoop. Moms know, that with each milestone, such emotion is possible. As a young mom, Christelle attended and organized numerous playgroups, mom groups, and city wide women's events. Now, navigating life as a mom of teenagers brings about new adventures in her home. Her experiences currently include driving with teens, first jobs, exploring colleges, and preparing for her children to leave the nest. As a native San Diegan, Christelle and her family have explored the county through hikes, restaurants, outdoor adventures, farmers markets and fun events. Christelle is excited to bring together her primary loves: being a mom and San Diego and to share her experiences with you! Follow Christelle's local food and fun adventures on instagram @sd.christelle.