Stress. Anxiety. Depression.
Do you struggle with any of these issues? Whether the struggle is mild or severe, the reasons vary between difficult situations and chemical imbalance. However, this post is not about the hows, the whys, nor the whats. Instead, it is my desire to share with our mom tribe the steps I use to grow through a common struggle: Stress. Anxiety. Depression.
- Talk to someone. Preferably, a counselor. Most important, talk to someone who will help you process your thoughts, grief, stress, fears in a healthy manner. Talk to someone who wants to see you grow forward and not stay stuck. Anxiety wants you stuck. It isolates you. In order to grow forward, we must talk to people who have a a healthy mindset. Now is the time to throw out the victim mindset that stress, anxiety, depression reaches for. Process forward, don’t look back.
- Pray. Meditate. Be still. In the middle of a crisis, our prayers may be as simple as “HELP ME NOW!” Some prayers are about gratitude. Both are o.k. I choose to grow forward with my Creator. Sometimes, I play soothing music and allow my mind to relax as I listen and meditate. Yet, to be still in the midst of our world’s fast paced life takes practice. My favorite place to practice stillness is at the beach, watching the waves, while enjoying the sunset.
- Surround yourself with positive minds. The old saying is true, misery loves company. Misery seeks attention from misery. If we want to grow forward and get unstuck we must surround ourselves with people who love us, encourage us, and believe in us. This is our season to look up, be a light, grow forward, and be more than we were yesterday. We have a purpose that is greater than our mistakes, our history. We are created to LIVE. To LOVE. To be THANKFUL. To have JOY.
- Get outside. In the midst of severe anxiety and depression, the hardest thing to do is to get out of bed. The next, is to open the door and go outside. Trust me, I know. I’ve struggled too. My experience has taught me that going outside is a simple step (yet sometimes painful!) in growing through our struggle. So open the door. Go for a walk. Go for a jog. Go for a hike. Try something you haven’t tried before such as surfing or paddle boarding. Anyone want to grab their kid’s board and boogie board with me?
- Get creative. We are created to create. So get creating! Write. Journal. Crochet. Color. Go to Michaels and purchase something to build. Garden. Draw. Play some music. Rearrange your house. Finger paint (my personal choice). Some may need to learn a new skill. Thank you YouTube for teaching us new skills for free! If you are still at a loss at how to get in touch with your creative vibe: Turn on the radio and get shaking!
- Hug somebody. You’re laughing, right? So here’s the thing, I’m not a natural hugger. Hugging, for me, takes work. However, I’ve learned that humans need touch. In the midst of strenuous moments, I’ve borrowed my fur niece, placed her on my lap, and pet her until her tiny hair is in piles all around me. Don’t worry, she naturally sheds fur, I merely aid in the process. All jokes aside, hug a friend, hug your dog, pet your cat. It really does help!
Honest moment: I sit on my couch. My heart races, breath becomes short, arms numb, and my mind spins. I am ready to hit the publish button on a post about working through my anxiety symptoms. I’m not alone in my struggle which is why I share with you.
Mom Tribe: What are some healthy habits you have adopted to work through stress, anxiety, and depression? Together, we learn. Together, we grow.
Yes yes yes!!! Tugging at my heart strings, my friend!
Thanks Ashly!! The struggle is real… glad we aren’t alone. Now let’s plan an outdoors hike or outing ☺☺
I can relate so much. No you’re not alone. Thanks for sharing. I find that prayer helps me as I repeat it over and over. But I love me some crafts too. Such good advice.
Thanks Elisa! Love hearing from others who choose to grow forward. You inspire me!!
SDMB and all you wonderful ladies have been the community I needed after my world fell apart. Anxiety has been a battle for me and it feels good to be moving forward, despite how I feel some days.
Xochitl – Girl: Me too!!! I learn from you and your strength. Together, we grow forward <3
Great article and steps that really speak to me! Thank you for sharing your heart!
Thanks sis ☺
These are awesome tips, there are so many moms, women in general, who needed this but may feel to afraid to speak on it
This is true, Addy! I was afraid to speak on it for too long as well… I’m glad you stopped by 🙂
Getting outside, taking a deep breath & getting some exercise always help me out
Yes! being outside is refreshing. Thank you for sharing, Tiffany.
Such a good post! I agree with so many of these tips… I think I’ve probably used all of them. I try to remember to just try things and maybe it won’t be perfect right away but at least you’re doing something to get past the tough time.
Very true, Sarah. Just moving forward is a great start. Thank you for sharing 🙂
This is a really lovely post with some great insight on how to help. I find meditating particularly helpful, really good to just reflect on the day.
Kate ||
Thanks for sharing, Kate, and stopping by. Knowing we aren’t alone is huge.
These are reall great tips/steps. I was really anxious when I was younger and felt a little lost with it.. but getting better and better <3 Being positiv is my biggest help 🙂
Thanks for sharing
A positive mindset is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing, Ilka <3
Great blog! These are all part of self care. I started my blog because of the anxiety & depression I was struggling with. With my kids being teenage & older and me going through divorce, I want the next stage of my life to be about me and my own self care.
Yes! You are valuable! I’m learning how important self care truly is. Thank you so much for sharing with us, Wendy.
I love your tips for growing through anxiety! I love that its growth oriented rather than focusing on just getting the anxiety to go away!
great post. Thanks for sharing and about something so many are afraid to speak about
These tips are SO good. I think everyone deals with depression at some point in their life. I have had many ups and downs and talking about it can be so hard, but it’s a great first step! I;m a hugger too! Hugs always help!
Great post! It is difficult for me to go outside. But, when I do talk myself into it, I am very glad I did and also so proud of myself. If I didn’t have my daughter it would happen much less often. She needs the fresh air and she is more important than my anxiety about going outside myself.
This is awesome! we all have some form of anxiety that these tips can help with! Prayer does wonders for me!
Thank you Jehava 🙂 Prayer does wonders for me as well. Thank you for taking time to read and comment!
Thanks for this! #2 is what we all need! Pray and be still! LIsten to God and what he is doing in your life! I struggle with depression and anxiety from time to time so I will print and post these tips to read when I need a boost! : )
Pray & Be Still! Yes 🙂 And thank you so much for stopping by and reading. Grateful
All of these tips are wonderful! For me, praying and walking in nature is what helps me the most 🙂 Will be coming back to this post whenever I need it as a reminder. Thank you!
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