Spaghetti Tacos and 20 Ideas for a Carefree Childhood


Last night, my 10 year old ran into my bedroom to share an exciting idea.

“Mom”, he began with anticipation, “I really want spaghetti tacos for dinner this week!”

My initial thought was: Absolutely NOT!

My second thought was: Where in the world did you get such an unhealthy idea?!

Then, I remembered the awesome (crazy!) ideas I’ve had throughout my lifetime and the numerous reactions I’ve received.

So why not have spaghetti tacos for dinner one time this week? Not only will it encourage creative thinking, but  it will also be good for my son’s self esteem.

But why stop at spaghetti tacos?


 20 Ideas for a Carefree Childhood

  1. Spaghetti Tacos. Yes!
  2. Jump in puddles on a rainy day.
  3. Skip through a fresh pile of leaves in the fall even if it means you must rerake.
  4. Let them make snow angels and have a giant snowball fight (Try Julian or Big Bear during the Winter). End the day with hot cocoa and lots of marshmallows.
  5. Ice-cream for dinner? Yes! Obviously not every day. But perhaps just for fun on a Friday.
  6. Finger paint! Yes, there will be a mess. However, the creativity that ensues is priceless.
  7. Say yes to mud pies and playing in the dirt. Let their imaginations run free outside.
  8. Let the kids be in charge of dinner and help prepare just one night per week.
  9. Play music your kids love and dance together in the kitchen or living room. Don’t forget the hairbrush microphone.
  10. Play lots of games together.
  11. Laugh at their silly stories and share silly stories of your own.
  12. Find a space to twirl in circles until you drop down laughing.
  13. Build something together. Construct a car, boat, create art, or a refrigerator box fort.
  14. Forts! Always be prepared to construct a blanket fort and climb inside with the kids. Don’t forget the flashlight for finger shadows!
  15. Find a giant grass hill to roll down!
  16. Eat dinner together and let the children ask questions.
  17. Fly a kite at the beach or a park.
  18. Go on walks and hikes that allow you to explore new areas together.
  19. Grow something. Flowers. Plants. Trees. Vegetables. Butterflies!
  20. If you can’t purchase the puppy that your child is begging for, find a pet store that allows you to walk their dogs.
  21. Bonus: Color together often. Color outside the lines! Use lots of colors. And if glitter is a possibility: Always say yes to glitter.

Let’s have fun as we celebrate creativity with our children!

What are some ideas you have said yes to in recent days? What are some ideas your children have that you initially said no to? We love new ideas that inspire creativity and a carefree childhood. Share your ideas with us in the comments below!

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Christelle is a mom to two teenage boys and a nine year old son. Her oldest is a new high school graduate. Upon hearing the words, "Congratulations, you are now the mom of a graduate!" she assumed the role of seasoned mom while experiencing shock, awe, happiness, and sadness in one swoop. Moms know, that with each milestone, such emotion is possible. As a young mom, Christelle attended and organized numerous playgroups, mom groups, and city wide women's events. Now, navigating life as a mom of teenagers brings about new adventures in her home. Her experiences currently include driving with teens, first jobs, exploring colleges, and preparing for her children to leave the nest. As a native San Diegan, Christelle and her family have explored the county through hikes, restaurants, outdoor adventures, farmers markets and fun events. Christelle is excited to bring together her primary loves: being a mom and San Diego and to share her experiences with you! Follow Christelle's local food and fun adventures on instagram @sd.christelle.


  1. This is a great list! I think I did all of these (but the spaghetti tacos) as a kid. We did have spaghetti pie though. That was delicious!

  2. What a great idea. I can’t believe I never thought about this. I’m pretty sure that they were invented in the classical era probably by the mongaols. Because they were the exception.

  3. When I was a kid every December we would go out and look at Christmas lights and have ice cream sundaes for dinner. I still do this as an adult and am looking forward to doing it with my son.

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