Cold and Flu Season is HERE! Are you Ready to Battle the Bugs?


This is a sponsored post that contains affiliate links.

Hyland's 4 Kids

It’s that time of year again! Cold & Flu Season is Upon Us!

Everyone around you is sneezing and coughing, and eventually your little one catches the bug. Many parents don’t want to give their school-age kids overly potent cold/flu medicines. Infant/toddler parents have even fewer options aside from acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease the discomfort.

Fret not as Hyland’s has you covered!

Their homeopathic concoctions are effective and safe* for the entire family, from infants to older children.

You’ve probably used Hyland’s products before, but did you know they have a whole line of products to keep your little one(s) well this season?

From their Cold & Flu Medicine and Cough Syrup, to their Ear Drops and Arnica Gel, (for muscle/body aches) Hyland’s has multiple products to help you combat this Cold & Flu Season! 

Their homeopathic products are designed to stimulate the body’s own immune system to fight off the virus, without harsh chemicals and as many side effects as traditional medicines.


Hyland's ear drops


I personally love Hyland’s ear drops! My 8-year old daughter suffers from ear pain whenever she gets a cold. Unfortunately, we’ve taken a lot of unnecessary trips to the ER and Urgent Care to be told that her ears are clear. (Last year, on Christmas Day was a particularly fun ER trip!)  Now, at the first sign of ear pain, we take her temperature and if she doesn’t have a fever we treat it like a cold. If it isn’t an ear infection she tends to feel better after a few doses of the ear drops. We continue to dose her with the drops over the next 24 hours and almost always that’s the end of the ear pain! Naturally if the pain is severe, she is feverish, or it persists beyond 24 hours we call the pediatrician.

While I have not yet tried the Cold and Flu Medicine or the Cough Syrup, fellow mommy and SDMB blogger, Elisa, is a big fan and has this to say about Hyland’s products:

“My kids are 9 and 6. I’ve used their products since they were infants. I’ve used both Hyland’s Cold & Flu Medicine and the Cough Syrup because you can use them for younger children. I buy the Cold & Cough Day and Night Value Pack at Costco because it is cheaper. It is very effective, especially at night when they are trying to sleep but can’t because of nagging coughs.”

Of course, the best medicine is always prevention! Here are a few quick ways to avoid catching a bug during this cold & flu season:

  1. Wash your hands often (And teach your kiddos to sing one round of the ABC song while they work up a sudsy lather.)
  2. Use your arm sleeve, or sneeze into your shirt neckline (Sneezing into your hands is not ideal as the germs are easily spread that way.)
  3. Try to avoid sick people when possible (Another great reason to try Hyland ear drops for ear stuffiness before going to the Urgent Care- those places are germ cesspools during cold & flu season!!!)
  4. Consider a flu or pneumonia shot (Talk to your doctor about the risks/benefits for you and your children.)
  5. Stay hydrated, eat well, and get plenty of sleep (If your body is in balance your immune system is able to work more efficiently.)



And speaking of prevention…SDMB has partnered with Costco so you can stock up on Hyland’s products before the germs arrive! 🙂

**Check out our Costco Mom Hour on Friday November 4 from 9am to 10am for an exclusive 1-hour shopping pass before the store opens! There will be swag, discounted Costco memberships AND… Hyland’s is giving away samples!!!

(Did I mention this is all FREE?!?!)

Register to attend the COSTCO MOM HOUR using this link:


Stay well my friends! 🙂

Disclosure: I received compensation in exchange for writing this review. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions expressed are my own (unless otherwise noted).

*these statements have not yet been evaluated by the FDA

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Melanie is the executive chef, maid and dispute resolution expert at Casa de Hughes. She and her husband have a daughter in elementary school and a son in high school. Trying to find things that appeal to both children, despite the 7 year age gap, keeps her on her toes! She enjoys "tweaking" recipes to make them a bit healthier, reading historical fiction novels, and writing short stories. She also enjoys running, though she isn’t very speedy. She is currently training for her first full marathon this October in Portland, Oregon. If she survives, she will likely write a blog about it! ;) She is also passionate about conservation, politics and social issues. In her free time she likes to hang out with her friend, and fellow SDMB blogger, Felicia. Not only are their daughters the best of friends, Melanie and Felicia share a common love for crafts, tea and couponing.


  1. I swear by Hylands! Especially when kids are babes, but I’ve even used their eye and ear drops with great success after an ER doc told me not every case of pink eye is bacterial! So my first step is this, plus up my immunity, and see that I get better. Usually less than half day I’m better. Btw I don’t sell the stuff or are associated with the company or get perks. Just regular mama sharing what she loves! ❤ thanks for sharing here!

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