You’re Growing Too Fast: A Little Note of Love to My Son



To My Son.

My Little Man, my “Peanut”.

Today marks a year and half that you’ve spent on this earth. 

That’s over 485 days that we’ve spent together. Over 11,000 hours of getting to know one another.

When you put it in that perspective, it seems like a long time, but truly there will never be enough time when it comes to me and you. It amazes me how much you’ve changed in such a short moment. I’m so happy to be with you every day, watching you explore your surroundings. I find myself holding my breath for the next moment I get a glimpse of that twinkle in your eye when you’ve discovered something new. I can’t stop smiling when I see you get frustrated with something that you’re so close to mastering. All these little wonders at the tip of your tiny fingers. 

I’m in awe of you.

I’m in love with you.

I’m also scared. Scared of the reality that you’re just going to keep changing, and at rapid speed. Even though I can’t wait to meet the man that you’ll soon become, I’m reminded of my own mortality. And I can’t help but to feel sad when I think that someday soon you’re going to need less and less of me as you grow and become more independent.

So in preparation for when that day comes…

I’ll remind you to open doors for others. To say “Please” and “Thank You,” and always be humble in your surroundings.

I’m going to remind you to laugh, at everything.

I’m going to reassure you that it’s OK to cry when you’re sad.

I’m going to show you, not tell you, how to treat your loved ones.

I’m going to support your dreams and endeavors, and inspire your imagination in any way I can.

I’m going to teach you what ‘need’ and ‘necessity’ mean, and challenge you when you need it.

I’m going to strive, hard, to make a difference in your life, because you’ve made a huge difference in mine.

There’s no stopping you, Little Man. 

I’m so grateful you chose me.


To the moon and back,



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