DIY Beauty and the Beast Inspired Bath Bomb Recipe


bath bomb

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Is anyone else excited about the Beauty and the Beast remake coming out this month? I love the classic animated film, and from the few scenes I have seen of the remake I think it’s going to be great! One of my best friend’s has a birthday coming up this month and we’re going to have a mom’s night out to go see Beauty and the Beast- we are huge Disney fans! Since her birthday is coming up, I decided to make her a Beauty and the Beast inspired gift this year. I put together a little basket with a cute tea cup, a candleholder with some candle sticks, lots of French lavender items and my famous homemade bath bombs- she’s going to love it!

It’s super easy to make a bath bomb at home and they make great gifts. I use a basic bath bomb recipe and add essential oils or dried flower petals to make my bath bombs unique and fun.

For Beauty and the Beast inspired bath bomb, I made two batches of my basic recipe and created two unique and luxurious bath bombs. In the first batch, I added 2 teaspoons of lavender essential oil and some blue powdered color.  Since the story takes place in France, lavender seemed like a fitting scent. For my second bath bomb I added in a half cup of dried rose petals and some pink powdered color. The bath bomb smells amazing after it dissolves in a hot bathtub!

Here is my basic recipe, you can customize it however you want:

1 cup baking soda

½ cup fine grain Epsom salt or sea salt

½ cup citric acid

3 teaspoons coconut oil

2 teaspoons water

2-3 teaspoons essential oils (optional)


Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl, bath bombmix the wet ingredients together in a small bowl.  Slowly (about a spoonful at a time) drizzle the wet mixture over the dry mixture and stir quickly!  If you add too much the citric acid will start to fizz and your finished product won’t be as fizzy in the tub.  Scoop the finished mixture into bath bomb molds or silicone molds, let them dry and enjoy!


Bath bombs can be a little tricky to make, but I have a few tips:

-The consistency should be similar to damp sand. It should stick together when you pinch it.

-You will want to work quickly! The mixture will start to dry out after about 30 minutes.

-Let the bath bombs dry out for 2-3 days before you use them, store them in a dry place.

-This recipe makes about 5 large bath bombs, you can easily double or triple it if you need to make a big batch.


There are endless combinations you can make with this recipe! Have fun and get creative! Don’t forget to tag us if you make them!

bath bomb