How to “Grow Up” Your Kids Room!


This year, my kids Christmas list included furniture and things to help them organize their rooms!

Weird? Let me explain.

We go big on Christmas! The one time of year my kids actually get to “ask” for things they want and need. Everything goes on that list. Sure, they get chocolates on Valentine’s and an Easter basket; a party and a gift or two for their birthdays. But we LOVE Christmas and prefer to have that be a special time where we give out toys, clothing, etc. Aside from the “wish” part of their lists, every year they also include necessities. Seriously, my kids write down socks and underwear! This year in particular? A desk, shelves, and a toy box. 

(For more on our Christmas gift philosophy, read one of my first personal blogs: Defending the Presents)

I had already resolved to make this an “Upcycled, Recycled, and Second Hand” Christmas. You see, I have a teenage Diva. She needed new clothing as she just transitioned from pre-teen attire to adult (Eek! That’s a post for another day). Her little sister was awarded an entire wardrobe! (Yay for hand me downs! Whoohoo!) But, in conversation, she mentioned: “Thrift stores are gross!” Honestly? I was offended! Where did this privileged attitude come from? We are not above the life of used items. And I LOVE a good deal! Fast forward to my new obsession with OFFER UP. Aside from the amazing outfits I was able to find for a steal, I started looking into the household items. This search also included assessing their current bedrooms.

We decided it was time to “grow up” their rooms.

If you are in a budget, here are a few tips to help:

  • Look around your house first. Is there any furniture that could serve a better purpose somewhere else? Swap your sons loft that he has outgrown and give it your younger child. Turn the old bookshelf, into a “New” shelf, with some spray paint and give it to one of the kids.
  • Ask family/friends if they have any items they are getting rid of
  • Join your local “Buy Nothing” groups
  • Use apps/websites like OfferUp, Craigslist,FB MarketPlace, etc. TIP-Be sure to bargain and don’t be afraid to “low ball”.
  • Search your local thrift stores for items

Now, on to the ” Growing up” part of the room upgrades- here is what we did:

1. Change the decor (and/or wall) color! Is your daughter no longer into hot pink and Monster High? An inexpensive switch is swapping out the comforter/pillows for something that serves their current interests/personalities.

2. Change their curtains! This makes a huge difference. Look through your own stuff, do you have any spare that fit? For my teen, I lucked out when a friend gave me a set of nice curtains, that she wasn’t using. They were a perfect match and immediately made her room appear more sophisticated.

3. Change the layout. Move the furniture around, if possible. I used to do this myself as a teen and it makes a huge difference. And it’s FREE!

4. Update the current furniture. First thing, clean them up! Magic Erasers can be your new best friends. If its too bad, you can update furniture with a coat of spray paint. I wanted to make her a “Hollywood vanity” and was able to score a beautiful huge mirror for $10!! My son got a new desk that we found at a local thrift store for $15 (and the desk chair for $10!!). Spray paint, some personal embellishments and viola! Perfect pieces! *I do have to note, spray paint can get pricey too, so stay on budget! It’s definitely still cheaper than some new furniture places and you get to make it exactly how you want it!

5. Swap your decor. My daughters organizer boxes were still hot pink despite that season having passed for some time. We switched them for ones she would love. Also take down any of the more “childish” pictures/posters, or characters they no longer like, etc. You could even print out current pics of family and friends and hang and/or frame them to bring the room up to date.



Hope you have as much fun as we did! And don’t forget the best part: THE BIG REVEAL!! We kept the kids out of their rooms and had them enter one room at a time, while I recorded their reactions! Best gift ever ?

Have you ever done a remodel? We would love to hear from you! Comment below!


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Krystal is a fulltime working Mother of 3. Surrogate to an adorable set of Swiss boy/girl twins. She spends her days as a Residential Service Coordinator at PATH Connections Housing helping support some of San Diego's most vulnerable to maintain permanent housing. When she isn't teaching classes to the residents, sharing her passion of using the Arts to practice self care, she is writing her own personal blog and sharing her other passions with the world! Theatre fills her heart and she is currently working on an original play. A lover of essential oils and sharing the benefits with anyone who will listen! An avid Crafter, she enjoys creating her own crochet designs, wreaths and dabbles in painting. Loves spending time with her children and her husband, playing, dancing, swimming, traveling and enjoying our beautiful city. Follow her personal blog at or Crochet shop at


  1. What!? She doesn’t like the thrift store! ?
    My teen likes to go there to find unique things she might want or need. It’s not her first choice, but she loves to bargain shop.
    On the other hand, that is basically where all my shopping took place when I was a kid. Times change I guess.
    But the rooms looked super cute. This is a great idea.

  2. Yes! She is the only one lol but to hear defense, she is indecisive and gets overwhelmed when everything is disorganized so its hard for her to even deal with the clearance racks!! But she has worn hand me downs and second hand most of her life also! I love thrifting and a good deal too! I am also a bit more daring, creative and unique then my basic fashionista however lol. ?

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