I cant keep you sheltered forever.
I have to let you go.
Everyday, you walk out that door, I have a false sense of security. I worry about you on the bus, make sure you stay on your route. I GPS your phone to make sure you are where you are supposed to be. When I see you are at school, I relax.
Great, you made it. You are safe within those fences. There are adults there to Supervise and keep out the “Stranger Danger”.
But everyday, it becomes more and more clear, that more likely than not- it’s not the strangers who are out to get you. It could be your very own classmates, another struggling hormonal teenager. Maybe they are being neglected at home?
And they were never taught to talk about their feelings. Maybe they are tired of fighting or feeling unloved. And days pass and it gets darker.
Impulsive people, can be the most dangerous. Teenagers are so impulsive. Match that with access to a weapon and with one finger they can “show them all!”
But I can’t live life in fear. I have to let you go out into this huge scary world and I feel helpless. If you aren’t safe at school, where are you safe? The movies? Nope. A concert? Nope. Walking downtown? Nope.
Honestly, weapons can be ANYWHERE. As I sit on the trolley, I look around. I wonder if someone here has a weapon? Could it be the day of the “last straw” for them?
But I cant shelter you forever. If I lock us all up safe in our homes, is that really keeping you safe? Or is that hurting you too?
We can’t live our life in fear. We will still go out to the movies. I will take you to concerts and try to convince myself that we are going to be safe. I cannot confine you to our home and make you fear the outside world, but I can talk to you and make sure I do my best to help you understand, and do what you can to protect yourself.
I will always talk to you. No subject will be off the table, no matter how difficult. If you are scared or angry or want to end your life- I want to hear it! I will ALWAYS listen to you!
I promise to not take your feelings for granted. Your feelings are real and legitimate. I promise to help you through and teach you to talk about them and process them.
Safety will always be a priority. I will know where you are at all times. I will keep tabs on you and track your phone. I know it’s annoying, but I will require you ask permission, call to check in, and keep a curfew.
We will continue to live and I will let you, “have a life”. I will be sure to keep helping you explore the beautiful parts of our world, we will continue to enjoy ourselves and laugh despite the face that we may not always be safe. I won’t have you become riddled with fear of every moment.
Most importantly, I will be sure you understand and value ALL life. Know that you are loved and cherished and I wouldn’t want to live in a world, where you no longer exist. Every humans life is precious. You need to know that, no matter how upset you may be with someone, ending a life is never the answer.
We will live, each day. And hope that these wounds can heal and the tragedies cease.
***Please see our other resources on mental health:
13 REASONS WHY You Need to Talk to Your Kids- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Words Can Save a Life. May is Mental Health Awareness Month
AND please come to our Family Safety Event in March!