What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day- Second Edition


Year after year, holiday after holiday, our families get us gifts, flowers, cards, etc. We absolutely appreciate the effort, thoughtfulness, and consideration. Even though the card and flowers you grabbed for us the morning of the special day are appreciated; frankly- you are wasting your time and money. If you listened throughout the year, you would hear all the things we really want (and NEED) for Mother’s Day. Mother's Day

Here’s San Diego Mom’s Blog- 2nd edition


1. A CLEAN HOUSE– No, seriously! We told you last year (1st edition) and we will tell you again (and again, and again): We want to walk through the door to a clutter free, amazing smelling living room. We want the dishes to be washed and put away (in the RIGHT places) and also the laundry! (Insert sounds of angels singing here and light from the heavens shining down on us!) We literally want to enter a clean house and plop on the couch and not move. 

2. DINNER THAT WE DO NOT HAVE TO COOK– Now this can be at home or somewhere else. The point is, it’s food, it’s ready, and we don’t have to cook it! 

3. QUIET TIME– Doesn’t mean everyone has to leave, just BE QUIET! No yelling, arguing, Youtube videos, music blasting or TV on too loud. Just peace and quiet. You can even throw in a good book or movie! (But that’s extra credit!)

4. SPA DAY– So this IS an actual gift. Massages, Facials, Mani/Pedi’s. Relaxation is the goal and note what I mentioned above… QUIET. A spa day gives us Mom’s an opportunity to get lavished in all the luxuries we rarely have time (or extra funds) to splurge on. A day at the spa makes us feel AMAZING, and the family will definitely reap the rewards!

5. TIME AWAY– A weekend getaway or a “Staycation” is what I am talking about. Just a change of scenery for a moment. Give us a chance to not have to look at our house and remind us of everything that needs to be checked off our to-do list. Someone else can do the cleaning and the laundry for a day or two. Now hubbies, if it has been a while since MOM has had a romantic weekend away- just being a WIFE, now is the time!! You can plan it before or after Mother’s Day, so we can still kiss and hug our babies! But believe us when we say that these trips are SUPER important for our relationships and our happiness. 

6. FAMILY NIGHT– Let’s have a fun night together, the whole family. No cell phones, work distractions or stress. Just family, laughter and quality time. Maybe it’s BBQ and pool time, or Pizza and board games; whatever you choose- be sure it’s all planned out and tons of FUN! 

7. DATE NIGHT– As I mentioned earlier, Moms know how valuable alone time with the hubby is. Take us out or keep us in, just make sure the focus is US! Quality Time #2. (DEJA VU MUCH?)

8. A DAY/NIGHT OFF– Moms need a “girls night out” sometimes! Get out of the house, go dance or sing Karaoke or anything else we want. Just give us a pass to be an adult, the woman behind the Mom. Mother's Day

9. EXPERIENCES– Tickets to a show or an amusement park, a museum or an event. Just because we are mom’s doesn’t mean we don’t have outside interests, and experiences can last longer than flowers. (AND per many of the team’s requests: NEW TATTOOS can go here also!!! Seriously!!!)

10. MEMORIES– If you are set on a gift, make it a thoughtful, memorable one. Help the kids with DIY’s that are extra special because they are handmade from the heart of our babes. Or choose something handpicked because it has meaning. For most of us, monetary value is rarely as important. Choose pictures we love or something to decorate our home. Whatever it is, help us make and remember our most special memories.


H opefully this list has helped you get a glimpse of what us moms REALLY want, not only on Mother’s Day but all year round. But most of all, we just want to BE LOVED and feel that love, always!!! 

Did we leave anything out? Feel free to share with us in the comments! 




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Krystal is a fulltime working Mother of 3. Surrogate to an adorable set of Swiss boy/girl twins. She spends her days as a Residential Service Coordinator at PATH Connections Housing helping support some of San Diego's most vulnerable to maintain permanent housing. When she isn't teaching classes to the residents, sharing her passion of using the Arts to practice self care, she is writing her own personal blog and sharing her other passions with the world! Theatre fills her heart and she is currently working on an original play. A lover of essential oils and sharing the benefits with anyone who will listen! An avid Crafter, she enjoys creating her own crochet designs, wreaths and dabbles in painting. Loves spending time with her children and her husband, playing, dancing, swimming, traveling and enjoying our beautiful city. Follow her personal blog at www.rekindledthefire.com or Crochet shop at www.facebook.com/mylittlesunshinescreativecrochet