Girlfriends . . . an important ingredient in the recipe of life.
I LOVE meeting new friends. You always need someone new in your life, whether it is a friend or partner. But having friends, who you have known for years… it’s seriously one of the best things that you can have in your life. They support you in every area of your life and let you be you. They let you call/text, crying, to vent. They help celebrate every good thing that happens in your life. And help you through every bad thing in your life, too.
Most of my friends I have had since elementary school, yes — we are talking 25+ years of friendship. Wow, reading that just makes me feel so old. Throughout the years, we all have changed. We are moms, some work outside the home, some work from home, some are dog moms, some are single and the others are married. No matter what is going on in our lives, we still find the time to send a quick text. We all understand that life happens and we don’t get on each other over it. And they are also very great for those blind date “emergency” calls. We all know we have done that. Lol. And dinner meet ups once a month to just chit-chat.
Yes most of us have partners. But, as women, there is nothing better than calling up your girlfriend and just talking. And it could be about anything. I can’t even tell you how many subjects go on within 1 conversation with my friends. We laugh, cry and comfort. Talking to your friends helps your soul in so many ways. And let me tell you, they will know if something is wrong with you. They are very in tune with you.
I honestly loved writing this, because it brought the biggest smile to my face. I love my friends and I know they feel the same way. Having a girls night with wine, food, laughter, and conversation is a must every once in a while. Reach out to your friends, and send them a ‘thank you for being in my life’ message. I promise you, as you are writing it, it will make you smile.
We all need good friends in our lives. I am patiently waiting for the middle of June to see my best friend, before she leaves to Japan for 3 years. Big sigh!!