Little Italy Mercato: Taste and Shop at the Farmer’s Market


farmer's market

I love going to Little Italy Mercato! Since my oldest is in school, it’s so much more easier to go on Saturdays as a family. Getting 3 kids ready especially with an infant who likes to “go” right before we leave takes some time. That being said, we usually get to the farmer’s market around 10:00am. Parking can ruin your mood, but we kept our cool and drove around a couple times and found parking. 

I really enjoy the environment! There are so many smells that make me want to buy everything, from the flowers, fruits, and food to the handmade soaps. As we walk the 6 blocks of the Mercato, my kids are in heaven because they get to sample so many goodies. They feel more independent because they get to walk ahead of my husband and I to check out each booth. 

Shopping is fun and all, but the kids prefer the food and snacks, and I’m not complaining. Not only is tasting everything at the farmer’s market part of the experience, but listening to the small business owners speak passionately is endearing. I feel great buying and supporting local vendors and I get to build a relationship with them. It feels like running into a friend when you visit their booths again. Here are some of our favorites:

Fruits and Veggies

farmer's market

I don’t have a favorite farm because every stand has different produces. My kids love the fruits so I won’t hesitate to buy it when the kids ask. My daughter, “This tastes better than the ones at the supermarket!’

The Cravory

farmer's market

Need I say more? My son only likes chocolate chip cookies and my daughter loves the Birthday Cake cookie. You don’t have to wait till Saturday for these cookies because they have a store. I’ve given these batches to teachers when I’m to busy to bake as a thank you.

Some of Me

farmer's market

The dynamic duo with 4 eyes hand make the cutest cards I have ever seen! The cards are so unique and I love the charm on each one.

Jackie’s Jams

farmer's market

Jackie’s James is a 4 person operation and they make small batches by hand. My husband loves the spicy ones they have. You can use her jams in a mommy cocktail, in baking, and on top of your ice cream. My daughter likes it in her sandwich. I like it because its low sugar.

5150 nut butter

farmer's market

Oh my goodness! this stuff is pretty amazing. I really like this nut butter because it is so subtle. Jordan had me taste butterscotch, cookies and cream peanut butter, and chocolate candy sunflower seed butter. My favorite is the butterscotch and I just had to have it. A gourmet pb and j tastes that much better!

California Cheesecake in a Cup

farmer's market

Hi, my name is Annie, and I’m a cheesecake lover. I gave my kids the cheesecake loving gene, so this is a favorite for all of us. I love putting these cups of goodness in the freezer to eat at any time. They don’t last long in the freezer but sometimes I forget and find a treasure cup behind some frozen food. 

I’m looking forward to coming back and looking at the clothes, bags, jewelry, and beauty products. I’ll just have my kids go with my husband so I can shop without them whining how bored they are. 


Let me know which farmer’s markets you’ve been to so I can check it out!