Back to School Stuffed Pancakes for the Win


Happy new school year, mamas! We are back to waking up earlier than our kids to make breakfast, and lunch, and find their missing socks. I usually have my kids eat finger-friendly foods like pancakes for breakfast on the way to school.

Whenever I make stuffed pancakes, my kids finish it completely. You can tweak it to however you need to, whether it’s for an allergy or a taste preference. 


I use Nutella and pancake mix. When I’m feeling chipper, I throw some rainbow sprinkles into the batter. This is a must for the first day of school. 

The night before, just put small dollops of Nutella or spread of your choice on some parchment paper on one side. Then fold over the paper and flatten gently to form discs. Place it in the freezer and go to sleep. Don’t stay up looking at baby pictures of your little scholars! Put the phone down and get some good sleep! 

pancakes pancakes

In the morning, make your pancake batter and start cooking. I get the Nutella discs as I go, leaving the others in the freezer because they will be messy. Put the discs in the middle of your pancake that is cooking on one side, and cover the frozen spread with a little more batter. Flip, finish the other side, and done!


Many of my mom friends ask me which containers I use for the kids. For breakfast and lunch, I got my kids a bento style container, and I can’t tell you how much I love them! These boxes are leak proof and the slots keep each portion separate. Bentgo Kids fit great on my elementary school kids’ laps and have the perfect portion size to keep them full. 

Happy breakfast-making, mamas! Here’s to a wonderful start of the school year with happy and full tummies! Let me know what you pack and use for your little students!