To Make Your Bed Or Not?


Growing up in our house: We had to make our bed before we left for school. Even on the weekends. It was part of the personal chores that each of us 3 kids was responsible for. My mom’s bed would always be made, the sheets on the bed the correct way. The comforter had to have the tag at the foot of the bed, and be tucked under the top mattress a certain way (and my husband wonders where I get my slight OCD from). And let’s not talk about all of the pillows she had on her bed. Lol. I always said, my bed would be made like hers when I moved out. 

So I move out, and yeah, it doesn’t happen. Then I have kids and it still doesn’t happen. It has been a conversation with friends, “Do your kids make up their bed in the morning?” And as you can imagine, there are different answers. Now that my kids are older, yes, I would like for their bed to be made up completely. But some days it just doesn’t happen. But definitely on the weekend, theirs are made. 

mom's bed, neatly madeIn April I was doing my normal scroll through Facebook and came across a pic with the saying “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”- William McRaven, US Navy Admiral. And for some reason, that stuck with me. I challenged myself to make my bed every morning. The first week, it was a mess.

I would almost forget to do it, before running out the door to do drop-offs at school. I would run back into my room just to do it. Now, after I finish praying, I get out off the bed and make it. It might be a small task to some. But walking into my bedroom and seeing the bed made makes me feel like a real adult and that I actually have all of my stuff together. And of course, it makes your room look clean. Even if hubby has 4 or more water bottles on his side of the bed. We aren’t perfect. My kids love laying on my bed when they get home from school. 

So do you make your bed in the morning? If not, challenge yourself to do it for a week and see how it goes. 

***Pic was taken at night after the kids had been on it. There is almost always a book on or near the bed. I am a book nerd***

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Alexandria Elliott
Hello world. My name is Alexandria Elliott. I am a mom to 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 Diva(4 born and 1 bonus), and I got a husband upgrade and his name is Shannon. Lol. We are a blended family with lots of love and laughs. I am a SAHM and a Scentsy Consultant. I am avid reader. Omg, my kindle goes everywhere with me. Most days, i remember to make sure my kindle is in my purse, and forget my wallet. Yep, i am that bad. Me and my husband will celebrate 4 years of marriage this August, and we still like each other. So that is something great. When i am kid free(3 hours a days, only took 10 years), i love to go on unplanned dates with hubby, meet up with a couple of girlfriends, i love to bake and cook. Me and Pinterest are really good friends right now. I deal with severe Endometriosis everyday, so i live life, like it is the last day.