{SPONSORED} Join us for the IMAGINARY FEAST to end homelessness in San Diego

This is a PATH sponsored post, but as always, all thoughts expressed are 100% my own.

The San Diego Moms Blog has partnered with PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) to support their Imaginary Feast Campaign.

It’s simple, we want you to spend the night, or day, at home with your family, snuggling with your babies or your friends. Spending quality time, doing whatever it is you do when you are having the most fun and sharing your love. And we ask, in honor of that special time, you donate what you would’ve spent on that night out, to help our neighbors make it home!

As parents, we spend our days worrying and caring for our children and families. Our goal to make sure they are safe, healthy, happy, loved and cared for. And at night, when we tuck them in, we can be grateful, knowing they will sleep soundly in their beds and we can finally get the rest we need confident we are safe and sound. 

Can you imagine not having the simple luxury of knowing your children are safe and have a roof over their head? 

DONATE NOW  OR Join Our Facebook Event

Currently in San Diego there are more than 9,000 people who have nowhere to call home. Among them, are Veterans who once sacrificed their lives to protect our country, shivering in the cold. Elderly men and women, someone’s grandma or grandpa stays up all night searching for a safe corner to rest. And the last image we ever want to think of are the families – parents with children hoping to be able to find shelter and somewhere to sleep through the night, anywhere to stay together out of harm’s way. 

Although grim statistics, There is a something YOU and YOUR FAMILY, can do about it this holiday season. 

There are no tickets to buy. No fancy galas to attend. Forget the babysitter! You can keep that messy bun and yoga pants! (YASSS!!)

Every penny counts and no gift is too small. For every $1,000 in donations, another person can Make it Home.

PATH has helped more than 1,400 of our San Diego neighbors Make it Home 

I have had the honor of being a part of the PATH Diego team for the last 6 years. Not a day goes by, that I don’t realize how blessed I am that I get to spend my life helping others and inspiring them to regain the dignity and respect that they deserve. I have spent countless hours teaching skills, listening to stories, advocating and most importantly trying to instill hope in those who have often lost most than many of us can ever imagine. And at the end of the day, I don’t know who has benefited more. Social services can be hard work, but when you measure success in the teary eyes of a smiling person who cannot stop thanking you for helping to save their life, you know you are doing something right. 

SDMB Cares mission is to help families teach empathy and compassion for all lives through giving back to our community. We hope you take this special opportunity to teach your children that everyone deserves a home and that our most vulnerable are not invisible, they need our help!  

imaginary feastPATH is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has been helping people “Make it Home” for more than 35 years. 100% of the proceeds from the IMAGINARY FEAST go back to running the programs. PATH is a statewide organization, however 100% of the donations from San Diego stay in OUR community.  

In 2013, PATH Connections Housing opened in downtown San Diego. Home to 150 shelter beds, 16 single room occupancy units for the medically frail and 73 permanent supportive housing units. The building hosts a collaboration of programs and agencies to support the residents with self-sufficiency. PATH also runs a Veterans Employment program, Rapid Rehousing funding and social services for Veterans and Families. It is their mission to ensure every person has a home and the help they need to ensure they maintain their stability. 

SDMB Cares will be hosting a future volunteer event with PATH in 2019. If you are interested in learning about additional community service opportunities email Jaquelineh@epath.org


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Krystal is a fulltime working Mother of 3. Surrogate to an adorable set of Swiss boy/girl twins. She spends her days as a Residential Service Coordinator at PATH Connections Housing helping support some of San Diego's most vulnerable to maintain permanent housing. When she isn't teaching classes to the residents, sharing her passion of using the Arts to practice self care, she is writing her own personal blog and sharing her other passions with the world! Theatre fills her heart and she is currently working on an original play. A lover of essential oils and sharing the benefits with anyone who will listen! An avid Crafter, she enjoys creating her own crochet designs, wreaths and dabbles in painting. Loves spending time with her children and her husband, playing, dancing, swimming, traveling and enjoying our beautiful city. Follow her personal blog at www.rekindledthefire.com or Crochet shop at www.facebook.com/mylittlesunshinescreativecrochet


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