Chasing the Holiday Spirit: Tricks for Those of Us Who Just Aren’t Feeling It…YET!


The department stores are already doing it.  The radio stations are already doing it. Heck, even your neighbor is already doing it! In fact they started weeks ago, decorating, singing, shopping—FEELING that Holiday Spirit. Not me. Nope.

I’ve barely recovered from Thanksgiving, still relishing in the idea that we had a whole extra week between turkeys and pumpkins and Santa and snowflakes this year! Woo hoo! That’s more time to get that tree, drag those boxes in from the garage and get a game plan for the next 4 whirlwind weeks before Christmas, right?! But did I do that? No, no I did not. 

Some people are just made for holidays. They have Pinterest-perfect decorations, proudly displayed before the pumpkin pie has even run out. Their boxes were organized and easily accessible—not like mine, where I have to crawl over 10 boxes of Goodwill donations, bikes my kids have outgrown and trash bags of bottles and cans waiting to be taken to recycling (and waiting, and waiting….). Even when I do get to them I’m sadly disappointed in the mishmash of random decorations collected over the years. Where did I even get most of this stuff?? It all sounds exhausting. I don’t have time for that. There is nothing cheery about that!

Oh, but my babies! They love the holidays and can’t wait to put out those ridiculous decorations and see all their holiday crafts from when they were younger. Those classic music and television shows, how easily my kids fall into the holiday spirit! It’s no fun having a Grinch-y mom, so I need to catch that spirit, and fast! So here are my top 5 ways I’m getting into that Holiday Spirit this year—come hell or high water!


  1. Classic Holiday TV: We’re gonna ease into this stuff.  The networks are already running all of the new and nostalgic movies and specials you know and love! My kids watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with Grandma and it was still November. Check your listings, find your favorites (hello, ELF!) and make a date to watch them with your kiddos—hot cocoa REQUIRED!
  2. Holiday Light Tour: All those holiday people way more prepared than you—they already have their lights up. They live in a neighborhood where all of their neighbors do, too. Go there. Grab the family,  find the closest neighborhood to you and blast the Christmas radio station! You don’t even have to get out of the car—let the kids pile in the back with the windows down, sunroof open and ooooohh and aaahhhh at the pretty lights. Get inspired! Again, recommending hot cocoa.
  3. Decorating & Tree Trimming: Now that you should be sufficiently bitten by St. Nick and have some level of holiday spirit, you’re ready to conquer the heavy lifting. Block out an ENTIRE day if you can. Play your favorite Christmas music, wear your comfy holiday jammies and crockpot something easy but delicious to reward you for a winter wonderland well-done! Relax with more hot cocoa while hubby does the lights.
  4. Holiday Baking: Your house is festive, your mood is sparkly! For me, holiday baking is a tradition I often dread because it sounds like so much work, but I am so so happy with once I’m doing it. Old favorite family recipes that only make an appearance once a year stir up Holiday Spirit like nothing else! If you have little ones who love baking, even better—sharing the traditions you loved as a child keep them alive for the whole family year after year.
  5. Planning for the Big Day: Finally, your Holiday Spirit tank is full enough for you to complete the ultimate task in getting you pumped for the main event—planning your holiday! Gather the kids and talk about what you want to do on the Holiday Eve: what traditions do they love, what should you make for dinner, who’s coming over?? Same for the next day—what’s for breakfast, will you celebrate at home all day or go visit family? What delicious side or treat will you make to bring with you?Might I suggest some hot cocoa?



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