{SPONSORED} The Power of Unplugging

This is a Cades & Birch sponsored post, but as always, all thoughts expressed are 100% my own.

Unplugging during family time is so important for multiple reasons. In our own lives, and in developing or maintaining adult relationships, we ditch our phones so we can be fully present and engaged. The reason we do this is so we can truly and authentically connect with another person.

The same should hold true with our children, and it should be held to a higher level of value simply because these are OUR CHILDREN.

If you have ever read a parenting book of any kind, you probably know that modeling a behavior is the best way to teach—showing rather than telling. Which in the day-to-day lessons and interactions we have that we teach our kids things like please, thank you, modeling kindness or self-control is an easy notion. The concept of us as the parents needing to “unplug” around our kids and offer our undivided attention often gets lost. But the reality is that we should all make a more intentional effort to unplug and connect to our children.

I know we all make small efforts to do this, but the temptation to jump on social media or even taking a picture of your child is SO REAL. I know firsthand how hard it is to not be tempted, and I often make a very conscious effort to leave my phone in my purse or aside, but somehow it always finds its way back to me.

Which is why when I came across the Cades and Birch “Unplugged” box, I absolutely fell in love with this product. I was first introduced to this concept of a “unplugged box” by Ash Robinson, CEO of FIT4MOM. She spoke at one of our MOMS Mastermind events in October and shared with us her version of this “unplugged” box she had at home (which at the time was just a shoebox) and for her family. When the phones /tablets / iPads were in the box, they were able to truly connect with each other and not be tempted to check their phones.

I was intrigued by the idea, and after the event Lisa Molnar, Founder of Cades and Birch happened to be in the audience of our event and showed me a picture of their version of the Unplugged box, which was just absolutely beautiful. We of course had to send Ash Robinson this product, so she could upgrade her shoebox, with this handcrafted wood Unplugged box as a thank you.

I received my Unplugged box a few short weeks later, and it has been heaven-sent in reminding me to place the phone in the box during playtime with Kaia throughout the day. I work from home, so let’s be honest, it isn’t in there a ton, but every little bit counts and the more fully focused and intentional quality time we can spend with our children, the more we can see a positive effect.

More about Cades and Birch and founder, Lisa Molnar

Lisa is an event planner, wife, and mother of four. She and her husband have been blessed with three boys, and were finally able to complete our beautiful family last year, when they adopted their daughter from the Ukraine.

The Cade and Birch crafting team makes meaningful keepsakes that are personalized for your home, gifts and or special events/occasions. From birth, to birthdays, holidays spent together, engagements, weddings, and anniversaries; to memorializing a life well lived, we make beautiful handmade personalized gifts for all occasions. 


  1. Yes, I can see how having a box like this can set the intention straight! I often set my phone aside only to allow my habit to grab it again take hold. If I were to see it in the box though, it would remind me to stop and think. Plus it looks great too, and we can even have guests put it there! Love it!


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