Holiday Aftermath—Now What? Life in the New Season


I have to admit, I’m kind of sad after New Year’s Day. Most people take down their decorations. I know there are only a few days until Epiphany, which is when I will be taking mine down… and, in what feels like one fell swoop, the streets don’t look so jolly anymore.

It’s now gotten colder in San Diego, and yes, all the snowy people laugh at our perceived plight, but it really is a downer when there’s no “holiday” anything to keep you going. Us San Diegans are not compelled to wear or purchase serious winter gear unless we go to the mountains (which I don’t do, given that my spirit animal is probably an iguana) so we are caught off guard with low 40-degree weather and wind chills that cut through our lightweight puffy jackets.

But you know what is awesome about this new season? It actually forces me to focus on my work. My written work, to be precise. I know there are plenty of hardworking mammas that totally rock the working mom title. I am not one of them. I get, well… distracted.

I do every other thing I can before the actual work. I clean, I organize. I’ll even organize the garage, just to pretend I don’t have time.

Ouch. It hurt to admit that…

And then, before you know it, it’s time to go out for a workout, get the kids, and man, I really do enjoy the sunny weather.

It could be the new year resolution energy; new beginnings, hope for the future. It can also be the cooler weather that simply prevents me from doing all my “distractions” outside, or even downstairs, for that matter. (See? I really am like an iguana. It’s like 5 degrees cooler downstairs. My fingers and toes actually go numb! It’s crazy, but let’s focus!).

So what do I end up doing? I go upstairs where it’s warm, and I write. I do the big dream things I’ve been too afraid to start.

Now I see that I can enjoy and find purpose in every season of the year, even if it’s not my “favorite.” Maybe that’s just what I needed!

And before you know it, holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Easter, and Chinese New Year come back with the same merry anticipation.

I now happily welcome the cooler weather and darker, less colorful streets, as well as every season this life has to offer.

I am also more hopeful: I will not let distractions keep me away from my dreams. And maybe it’s not such a bad thing to have an iguana as my spirit animal…


Do you have any dreams you want to work on this year? Maybe it’s to be a better cook or stay at home mom? Or to make and manage a small business from home? Remember: God put those dreams in your heart for a reason; let’s encourage each other to dream big and execute!