Newborn Stage: 5 Steps On How I Survived It


I just had my last baby, and it was a lot easier than I expected. I’m going to share my tips on how I survived the newborn stage and how you can have an easier 4th trimester. I’m not an expert, but I strongly encourage you to do what’s best for you and your family.

  1. Create several baby stations. I’m a stay-at-home mom but that does not mean I’m not busy. Between keeping up with cleaning and cooking, I couldn’t just leave my newest love in the other room. He has a designated sleeping area in my room for bedtime, a crib in my daughter’s room and in my favorite place, the living room.  Each area is stocked with easy-to-reach diapers, wipes, burp cloths, trash can and extra clothes.  
  2. Organize. Organize. Organize. It’s EXTREMELY frustrating when you’re telling your partner to grab you your favorite lacatation cookies and they can’t see them right in front of them.  ARGH! Breastfeeding cravings are a real thing. When things are in their rightful place, it’s easiest to explain EXACTLY where things are without having to just get up and do it yourself.  You’ve birthed a baby, you’ve done enough.
  3. Find the right pump for you. If you choose to breastfeed, you need to find the right pump to fit your lifestyle. I highly recommend the Nuk Simply Natural Freemie Double Breast Pump. I have a 7-year-old and a 4-year-old, so sitting down every 2 hours for 15 minutes was not going to work for me. The Nuk pump is a cordless pump that tucks away in your bra and gives you the freedom to take care whatever you need to do. Whether you’re pumping at work while sending emails or waiting in the dreaded pick up/drop lines, this pump is every on-the-go mom’s must have list.
  4. Sleep. I know what you’re thinking. How can I sleep if baby won’t sleep? Every time my baby slept, I went to sleep right with him. I needed to find ways that allowed him to sleep for longer stretches at night. For me, co-sleeping was the best option. He only wakes up 1-2 times a night to breastfeed but the last feeding allows me 6 hours of sleep! I had a C-section, so those extra hours of sleep not only were amazing, I was also able to heal a lot faster that I expected.
  5. Turn off the noise and enjoy the season. Not literally. Everyone, including your beloved mom and mother in law, will give you advice on how to survive. You will see these social media super moms that look like they walked out of photoshoot every morning and feel defeated. Click unfollow. You don’t need that. You need to do what’s best for you and your family. Always keep in mind that you’re only in a season. It’s not forever, so cherish those newborn smells and coos. 

I hope these tips empower you to know you are more than capable of enjoying the newborn stage – rested and confident.

Learn more here about the Nuk Simply Natural Freemie Double Breast Pump.

This post is sponsored by Nuk Simply Natural Freemie Double Breast Pump but as always, the thoughts are 100% my own.