On this International Women’s Day, we celebrate all moms doing their greatest work—whether that is inside or outside of the home. We celebrate the mom who has to go back to work immediately after her maternity leave is up. The mom who wants to be a stay-at-home mom. The mom who got accepted into a Master’s Program or wants to get her AA or finish college. The family of two moms, or two dads; one mom and one dad or a co-parenting dynamic of a stepmom and a stepdad. We celebrate the WOMEN who are a stand for community and for The Strength in Motherhood™.
Moms Need Moms + Moms Need Support
Moms need other moms; someone to text at 2AM when you just really need your BFF after waking up to a crying baby for what feels like the 33rd time that night; someone to ask for carpool help from when you can’t pick up your daughter from her soccer practice at the exact same time your son gets out of his LEGO club at school; someone to ask you if you’re okay when they have a hunch you may be struggling; someone to invite you into their girl-gang-mom-group when you need to get out of the house for a break; someone to come to a workout class with you, when you might not be overly comfortable with your new postpartum body; someone to just be there, with a listening ear and warm heart, because, they too, are a woman and a mother, so know what it’s like to go through the ups and downs of parenthood.
Power in Community
We are often asked what the best way to find other moms is, and our answer is simple: community. Whether it’s via local meet-ups with other mamas, mom wellness groups and workout classes, or even virtual connections through friendships found via online platforms, when women enter into the realm of motherhood, they need one another. They need TLC, support, and another human being who knows what it’s like to walk in their shoes, because they’re walking right along with them.
International Women’s Day
On Friday, March 8th, groups and individuals worldwide are celebrating women’s achievements; “from grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and its presence,” say International Women’s Day organizers. This International Women’s Day the theme is #balanceforbetter, and we are celebrating Strength in Motherhood®. No matter what your journey through mamahood looks like, we honor you, we cherish you, we respect you. If we want to better the balance and therefore, better the world, we believe the concept of balance needs to resonate deep into today’s modern mom. “Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive,” and that is especially true for motherhood – balance, in general, is essential for healthy, happy, successful moms.
Celebrating Womanhood + Motherhood
While no two journeys of motherhood are alike, that’s what makes it so beautiful… because, whether a mom is a stay-at-home mom, works part-time from home, clocks into her corporate 9-5 job or is CEO of her company, WE SUPPORT YOU. Whether a mom has a spouse at home, is a military wife whose partner is deployed, or is the only working parent in her household, WE SUPPORT YOU. Whether a mom is married to another woman, married to a man, or not married at all, WE SUPPORT YOU. Whether a mom had a natural birth, a C-section, or adopted, WE SUPPORT YOU. Whether a mom breastfeeds, bottle-feeds, or exclusively pumps to boost her supply or because she’s at work, WE SUPPORT YOU. Whether a mom can run five miles or is getting ready for her first postpartum workout, WE SUPPORT YOU. We support women; we support moms. We support The Strength in Motherhood™. This International Women’s Day, we celebrate you.
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Mama to a cub, just trying to bloom with grace. Wanderlusting where the air is salty and life is sweet. FIT4MOM Digital Media Manager and Editor. Food stylist + blogger at @saltysweetseasons. Chips and salsa obsessed, golden retriever lover, and single mama to sweet babe, Tanner Kai, who is my whole wide world.