{SPONSORED} New La Jolla Music Society Family Concerts are #SDMBApproved

This is a La Jolla Music Society sponsored post, but as always, all thoughts expressed are 100% my own.

This past weekend my daughter and I, along with our family friend and her daughter, attended the Jazzy Ash & The Leaping Lizards concert with La Jolla Music Society. All four of us walked away feeling elevated, joyous, and even more connected. The only downside was that the concert ended (after several encores)! 

When it comes to music concerts and cultural experiences, I must confess — I’m a bit of a snob . . . Having grown up surrounded by the arts and music and studying music as my major, I developed an ear for high-quality concerts. I also uphold the same level when it comes to attending these productions with my daughter.

My family is new to the San Diego arts and music scene as we moved from Seattle last year. I am so glad that the La Jolla Music Society Family Concert Series checks off all of my requirements and even adds grown-ups’ enjoyment to the list.


Remember the last time you tried to introduce quality performance to your kiddo? They got restless & bored after just 15 minutes, and you ended up spending more time managing the boredom and missing out on the performance. Don’t make me do THAT again, we say! Yet, we want our children to grow up well rounded, cultured, and engaged in the arts.

When I saw that the La Jolla Music Society was doing a family concert series, I wondered: could they help avoid any boredom, provide a fun learning environment, and give me an opportunity to connect even more deeply with my child?


They did NOT disappoint! I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for La Jolla Music Society’s commitment to bringing quality music to our children. They made it so accessible and engaging for the whole family! There was not one child in the audience who didn’t have a smile or at least a wiggle. All eyes and ears were on the exceptional artistry of Jazzy Ash & Leaping Lizards! There was something for everyone at this concert: the small and the big kids got to fully enjoy and experience the amazing talent of the musicians, New Orleans culture, and even learn a bit of Creole.

I was also super pleased to watch so many dads having so much fun with their kiddos, dancing their hearts away! I felt the community connection of the entire room, as everyone just slipped into their kid shoes and just for that one hour, left all the grown-up worries behind to create a deeper connection with their children.

Our family friend, Mary To-Saturnio — owner of Izzaroo and a Mindful Moms Movement pioneer, is very intentional about how her family spends time and what connections that time fosters. So I was curious about her impression of the concert. Her response was this:

“We do 1:1 kid dates that help deepen our family connection and enhance life experience for our kids. This concert allowed me a great opportunity to connect with like-minded families as well as to have great fun with my daughter and make new memories.”

Three Reasons Why Your Family Should Attend

(May 9, 11 Am & 1 PM: Pablo Sáinz VillegasMay 30, 11 AM & 1 PM: Sonia De Los Santos)

1. Convenient and beautiful location.

There is ample (free) parking all around, easy to find and get to The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center in downtown La Jolla. That’s always a criteria when looking for venues to attend with kids! The Conrad is a new architectural wonder and is a pleasant, clean venue. You can have an easy La Jolla fun day after the concert — ice cream and beach are right next door.

2. High-quality musicians and performance.

Don’t be fooled by the “family” in the name of this music series! There’s no cheesiness, though there is plenty of silliness and seriousness. The performers are top notch and engaging with the audience. The professionalism and artistry of the musicians was beautiful.

3. It’s short enough for kids to not be bored and long enough to enjoy and connect.

The whole concert lasted just about an hour with all the encores! That made it a perfect ‘pause’ in the day to get some fun, education, and connection in. It was just perfect amount of time for the little and big kids alike.

About the La Jolla Music Society

I believe that the organization’s mission is not only essential for the direction of the company, but also speaks a lot about its values. Here’s La Jolla Music Society’s Mission from their website:

To enhance the vitality and deepen the cultural life of San Diego by presenting and producing
 a dynamic range of performing arts for our increasingly diverse community.

I believe the family concert we attended 100% achieved this mission and beyond. Raising our children in a connected world where creativity and differences are valued is one of my personal missions. I am grateful to La Jolla Music Society for offering an opportunity to teach it to our children through something as fun and accessible as the family concert series!

Concert Reviewed by:
 Karina Klepach, Contributing Writer, San Diego Moms Blog

Ready to Buy Tickets? 
buy ticketsOr you can CLICK HERE to learn more about the next two La Jolla Music Society Family Concerts on May 9th & 30th. 


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