{SPONSORED} Virtual STEM-kit Adventure Camps are #SDMApproved

This is a Hands On Technology Education sponsored post, but as always, all thoughts expressed are 100% our own.

Hands on TechAlthough technology can sometimes seem complex with all the gadgets and gizmos of today’s world, Hands-On Technology Education (HOTE) believes that the building blocks of Technology are often grasped easier by youth than adults … especially when the concepts are taught with a “hands-on” approach to learning!

Three of our San Diego Moms contributors had a unique opportunity to be a part of a pilot program for their all new Virtual STEM-kit Adventure Camp programs Tech Dynamos (1st & 2nd grade) and YouTuber (3rd-5th grade). We will be sharing more info on this post next week for the YouTuber camp, as well as hosting another FB Live Roundtable.

The goal of the program was to provide authentic feedback to both HOTE as well YOU our readers and potential summer camp candidates. Check out our Facebook Live roundtable discussion with camp director Mrs. Watkins and the three moms who kids (1st & 2nd grade) participated in the Tech Dynamos Virtual STEM-kit Adventure Camp.

“The instructors engaged the kids, encouraged them to solve problems, and most importantly, they made it a fun learning experience.” Kara Torrez (son Chris – age 6)

One of the fundamental phrases that HOTE stands by is, EXPOSURE NOT EXHAUSTION to technology and I love how our moms felt and saw that throughout the camp experience as well. It seemed to be a great balance of fun, education, problem solving and just the right amount of time.

Here is a little more about the camps, and don’t forget to check back after they have reviewed the YouTuber camp.

Hands-On Technology Education’s “STEM-kit Adventure Camps” offer a new spin on summer camp by providing a robot and adventure-themed supplies to each camper in a STEM-Kit supply box that is delivered to your door. 

girl playing with robot

“My favorite part of the STEM virtual camp was seeing my daughter’s eyes light up when she problem solved and found the solution to her challenge when building or learning a new piece of technology.” Alma Fisher (Daughter Aalina – age 7)


What is Stem-Kit Adventure camp?​

STEM-Kit Adventure Camp is an innovative, Virtual Camp Experience in which campers are sent supplies so that their camp day can be filled with both on-screen and off-screen activities!

How does it work?

STEM-Kit Adventure Camp uses a hybrid-learning model to implement virtual camps. We believe camp is most effective when students are engaged both academically and socially!

A summary of the camp is as follows:

– Choose your Tech Adventure for the week (e.g. Robot Coder)
– Receive a  STEM-Kit supply box at your home before camp starts
– Attend Daily Group Video Call (~1 hour)
– Attend Daily 1:1 Call (~30 minutes)
– Utilize our Instructional Videos to help you complete the at-home labs
– Participate in our Social Activities (e.g. Scavenger Hunts)
– Reward yourself with items in our Tech Point Stores!

My son would not put down the robot even after the camp had completed. Dealing with this new “normal” means many summer camps have gone completely virtual, the delivery of the stem-kit supply box made it feel more hands on and ‘summer camp’ like.” Alexis Osuna (Son Micaah – age 6)

Each camp features an adventure theme of your choice combined with daily group and 1-on-1 video calls so that kiddos can have plenty of fun with both their on/off-screen activities.

Camp adventures include: Technology Core Coding (100-level, 200-level, 300-level curriculum in teaching kids to code), Technology Core Electronics (100-level, 200-level, 300-level curriculum in teaching kids to build electronics/circuits), Robot Coder Robot Builder, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, YouTuber, Technology Entrepreneurship and App Design.

YouTuber: Content Creation Camp Review

A second round of our SDM Moms had their kids participate in the Virtual YouTuber: Content Creation Adventure Camp, which is designed for 2nd-6th grade.

More about YouTuber Camp:
In the YouTuber STEM-Kit Adventure Camp campers learn how to create, edit & upload videos for social media in a safe, responsible way!

“My mom told me I couldn’t watch YouTube videos anymore that I needed to create, now I can create my own videos and have fun without getting into trouble.  I’m following the rules.” ~ Christian, 9 (pictured) 

We went Facebook Live with our three moms this past week and wanted to share their thoughts and feedback on the camp! 

“The staff and coaches at Hands-On Technology were so welcoming and encouraging. They made my daughter’s first experience with STEM and content creating a positive one. She can’t wait to sign up for more tech influenced camps in the future.” ~Maria Tavares, Daughter 9

Due to the limited capacity, they expect contention for the limited camp spots available. Please sign-up at your earliest convenience and send any questions to support@hands-on-mobile.com!  Camps are now enrolling for 1st through 8th grade.

For more information or to register for camp, visit www.techadventurecamp.com.


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