What Do Your Most-Used Emojis Say About You? Celebrating World Emoji Day Today!


    blowing kiss emoji balloonEmojis have become a staple in modern forms of communication. In fact, it’s not uncommon that two people may have a conversation just in emojis. It seems impossible to have a texting conversation without the use of emojis. Additionally, now with office messaging systems such as Slack eclipsing regular email, emojis are making their way into office communications as well. Have you ever taken a moment to notice what your most frequent emojis are, and what that might suggest about your daily life? Please note, this post is meant to be fun — not to suggest anything serious about your emoji game!

    How To Find Your Most Used Emojis

    On iPhone, it’s fairly easy! When you open your keyboard to text, click on the “Emoji” section and scroll all the way to the left. You will see the title “Frequently Used” at the top, so you can’t miss it.

    frequently used emojis

    Here’s mine! My most used is the laughing-with-tears, followed by some notable mentions such as the upside-down smiley face, woman face-palming, sleepy face, cheers, and monkey covering eyes. These all feel very accurate to in my day-to-day communications, which usually are describing moments of fun, laughter, embarrassment or “OMG” moments.

    The World’s Most Used Emoji

    Did you know this was even a thing that was studied? Well, it is. The Unicode Consortium reported that the crying emoji and heart emoji are the most used emojis worldwide.  I suppose that’s also very accurate for me personally, as it appears to be my most used emoji!

    laughing with tears emoji

    And how to does one know what this emoji is supposed to mean? In doing some research for this post, I was also astonished to find out that dictionary.com has an entire Emoji Dictionary! I’ve definitely wondered what certain Emojis are supposed to mean, but hey, part of the fun is making that up sometimes.

    Here is how they describe this Emoji:


    definition of the laughing with tears emojiIn celebration of World Emoji Day, consider:

    1. Taking a look at your most-used emojis and getting a good laugh (or cry) out of it.
    2. Sharing a screenshot with family and friends, and encouraging them to do the same!

    To read more helpful articles, head over to our website!


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