{SPONSORED} A New School Option For Elementary Kids During Covid-19

This is a LearningWorks Academy Sponsored Post.

distance learning

The Reality Of Distance Learning

This year, school looks quite different in San Diego. Due to the pandemic, parents have been forced to make life-altering decisions when it comes to their children’s schooling. Over the last six months, we have all watched the chaos unfold inside the public school system as it rapidly switched to distance learning. With large class sizes, scattered agendas relying heavily on parent involvement, and all-day screen time, the current distance learning model has been very difficult for families to adjust to.

LearningWorks Academy

We recently polled our San Diego Moms audience and found that a large majority of you are tired of the toll distance learning takes on your family, not comfortable with in-person schooling during COVID-19, and are not wanting to take on homeschooling, but are seeking a fourth option for this upcoming school year. Child participating in distance learning

Let me introduce you to LearningWorks Academy. This brand new virtual elementary school brought to you by La Jolla LearningWorks and opening on September 21, 2020, takes distance learning to the next level and allows for high-quality learning and engagement with their small class size and one-on-one instruction!

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Program Coordinator to learn more!

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San Diego Moms’ Top 5 Reasons We Love LearningWorks Academy

1. Small Class Sizes

The traditional classroom has a 1:24 ratio. Imagine one teacher responsible for successfully teaching 24 students online. It’s virtually impossible, no pun intended. LearningWorks Academy is open for children in grades 1-5. They offer smaller class sizes in comparison to traditional school with a maximum of 6-10 students. LearningWorks Academy provide their students with a robust and reliable curriculum that has been strategically created for virtual learning.

2. Short, Manageable Days

Child Playing In The Fall LeavesDo you remember being in elementary school? It can be difficult to sit still, especially in front of a screen. LearningWorks Academy provides structured screen time and allows students to have movement breaks, which are so important! Monday-Friday school sessions will last a total of 5.5 hours with 4 of those hours focusing on instruction in English, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, as well as Reading Groups with their fellow classmates. The school year will follow a 10-month semester based on the San Diego Unified calendar and will include school breaks as well as traditional holidays.

3. One-On-One Instruction Catering To Each Student’s Need

Every child learns at their own pace. Why not provide them with a supportive atmosphere that will cater to their individualized needs? Each grade will have hands-on learning materials and the curriculum will be tailored to fit each individual need. The teacher will play an active role in each student’s learning to ensure their success. At the end of each day, your child will be provided one-on-one help and guidance from their teacher. They are able to discuss specific moments during the day that may have challenged or confused them and clarification will be provided.

4. Parent Involvement Is Minimal

Let’s be realistic and honest about this topic. It is extremely difficult to work from home and play teacher and parent to your children throughout the day. Your only involvement in this process is staying safe at home and providing your child with a space to work and a computer with a camera and microphone. You will be able to work from home while your child works independently. Mother Working From Home While Child Works IndependentlyUnlike traditional school, no homework will be assigned! The only thing your child will be responsible for completing after the school day is over will be any assignments that were not completed during the school day.

Your child will have access to multiple movement breaks throughout the school day. This will give them the chance to walk outside and have a snack. The school day will consist of a variety of digital timers that will alert your child that it is time to return to class. Think of the digital timer as a modern day school bell. Once your child gets the hang of it, he/she will be able to refocus themselves without you having to remind them of their schedule. Just like children do in traditional school when the bell rings.

5. Parental Support

Communication and connection is key. Each day you will receive a daily email update from your child’s teacher and have access to their child’s progress inside LearningWorks Academy’s Proprietary Student Management System. You will have access to your child’s teacher and be able to voice questions and concerns as well take part in traditional parent-teacher conferences.

For more information:

Email: Admissions@LJLearningWorks.com
Phone: (858) 456-4569
Follow La Jolla LearningWorks on Instagram @learningworkslj
Follow La Jolla LearningWorks on Facebook

LearningWorks Academy is a fantastic option for your family this school year. Mention San Diego Moms and get $100 off your first month!


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