Meet Cassandra Estifanos, Mom + Professional photographer, Cassema Photography
We are so grateful that Cassandra shared her story with us…
“Hi! My name is Cassandra but you can call me Cassie! I am an award winning San Diego professional photographer who specializes in maternity, newborn, cake smash and family photography. I am also a mom to two. I am originally from Los Angeles although I have now lived in San Diego for 13 years. I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we are just trying to raise loving humans who will do good in the world.”
Connect with Cassandra Online
How did you get started with your current role?
I actually started out in the Pediatric medical field. I knew I always wanted to work with children and moms but wasn’t always sure in what capacity. However, it was a lot on my soul seeing children always at their worst so I decided to change careers and work with kids in a much happier aspect. I have always been very artsy and creative and being a family photographer really allowed me to do that. Now I get to help moms create amazing memories of their children that will be shared for generations. Not only that, I get to capture photos that actually include moms (since we are usually the ones behind the camera). It’s very important to me as a mom myself that we are present in all memories. Because I am a one woman show, my clients always deal with me directly. From answering emails, to set designs, to helping plan their outfits, to the photoshoot, and then to the editing and sending off of galleries. It’s a beautiful process because we get to really build a relationship mom to mom.
What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?
They say it takes a village to raise a family. But to me, that village is the fellow moms you meet along the way, the ones going through it with you. Being a mom is such a truly selfless experience. You are constantly giving so much of yourself, oftentimes neglecting even your own well being. It takes a strength that many of us didn’t even know we had. And nobody else could ever understand except fellow moms.
What strategies do you use to stay connected?
I always prioritize family time. My husband and children are my world and it’s especially important to me that they get time with me as well. I also participate in local mommy group outings so I can build friendships with other local moms. Professionally, I am in a local tight knot San Diego women’s photography group who is so loving and supportive. I go to them with any work stressors and we spend time together as well once a month.
How do you involve your children in your professional life, if at all?
My kids are actually really involved with my business. It truly is a family business! They help with set designs, planning or photo shoots, and oftentimes model for me. I pay them for this and it goes into their savings accounts 🙂 I love that they get to see their mom being a business owner and hope that seeing my strong work ethic will also lead to their own successes someday.
Can you share an example of a collaboration with another mom that was particularly successful or fulfilling?
Every year, I offer mommy and me minis. These sessions are my absolute most IMPORTANT minis I offer. I always go full out with a gorgeous set design (a new one each year) and allow moms to access my full closet of 80+ luxury gowns. I want moms to have amazing photos with their children every year where they feel beautiful and can see with their own eyes, the love that their children have for them. I even take photos with my own kids with the set because I need this as much as they do. It is my favorite time of year honestly.
How do you define strength in motherhood?
Always being true to yourself and what you believe in. You are always going to have life stressors, societal pressure and others opinions. But being true to who you are and how you want to raise your children is the most important thing in the end. Be the mom YOU are destined to be.
How do you celebrate small victories in motherhood and business?
I cry. Happy cry! Haha! Ok I do other things too lol. I always celebrate with my family by going out to a special dinner together or the movies. When a client leaves me an amazing review, I share it with the world.
How do you think societal perceptions of motherhood have changed over the years?
I think the world is starting to see how strong and brave and resilient moms are. I think they are realizing that we are more than just people who sit at home raising children. We work, we help mold our children to be amazing people, we manage households and relationships all on very little sleep. We are as much the head of the household as our partners. We are sooo strong and the world is finally seeing that.
How do you balance self-care with taking care of your family and business?
I read!! I am a huge reader. I always take the time before bed to wash my face, put on moisturizer or a face mask, and then read for at least 20 minutes. My husband and I also make sure to do a date night without our children at least once a month.
How did you build your community of moms around you?
I have actually found most of my mom friends through social media! Mommy apps and local mom groups helped a lot. I also have created friendships with some of my amazing clients. All of my moms friends are so loving and supportive which is how I am as well. we just boost each other up constantly.
How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms professionally and personally?
So so important. Motherhood is oftentimes isolating. We NEED other moms to be able to vent to and get advice from. Nobody understands this journey like each other.
What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balancing motherhood and business?
Focus on you. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone’s journey is different, especially with small businesses. Just take it one day at a time and always take the breaks you need to reset.
Do you have a non-profit or cause that you want us to know more about? And why are you so passionate about this?
I am always supportive of organizations that offer school supplies and Christmas gifts to families in poverty. I grew up receiving these services myself so it’s very important to me to give back to them as much as I can. In fact, I always take a percentage of my Christmas Minis to sponsor a few families.
What challenges do you face as a mother and businesswoman?
I have terrible anxiety. I always have. Because of it, oftentimes I get overwhelmed or stressed out easily when the kids are fighting or when I am having to rush them around to school and extracurriculars. Because my husband also works, I am oftentimes full time mom during the week and business owner weekday evenings and weekends. I truly am running around at all times.
Tell us about a challenging time in your business or in your role in motherhood and how you overcame it?
Being a small business owner, it is always a challenge. Especially in situations like current time where the economy isn’t the greatest. As a service provider, people oftentimes just won’t book their photoshoot this year or will postpone it until finances are better. It can be difficult. I always try to be optimistic and offer options to my clients (ie: payment plans, minis, etc).
What are some of your favorite resources managing your business and/or home life that have saved you time?
Apps! I use an app to book my clients and reminders. My husband and I use a scheduling app together to keep track of everything going on. We also use financial apps to budget and grocery apps to help keep track of our shopping lists.
Can you share a moment when another mom’s support made a significant difference in your life?
This makes me cry just talking about it. During Covid, I was not allowed to work because California shut down all non essential businesses. I still had to pay my studio rent AND I was pregnant on top of it. One of my amazing moms who was scheduled months later for her session, reached out and asked if she could prepay for her upcoming sessions in full so my family could make sure we could get groceries. I still talk about it to this day because it was the most MEANINGFUL thing someone has ever done for me.
Would you like to offer anything to our readers?
I would love to offer 10% off your next photoshoot! Whether it’s my upcoming mommy and me sessions or one of my full sessions. Just mention this article when booking 🙂
We become better women, partners, leaders, and friends by empowering and lifting each other up. Thank you Cassandra for MOMinating this women below who has inspired you.
Jessica Gardner
This mama is amazing! She is currently raising two boys alone while working a job AND running her own boutique!
Kiara Turner
This mama in a fireman’s wife and oftentimes raising their son alone. She is amazing and a makeup artist. She lives everyday trying to bring magic to his life.
We are thrilled to bring back our weekly spotlight that will highlight and celebrate Moms in San Diego and across the globe who believe in building up and supporting moms.
We hope that if we can debunk the idea that you have to take on this journey alone, as a community of moms, we will all walk away stronger, inspired, and raise stronger children and become better partners. We’d love to hear from you!