Alexis Thomas

Alexis Thomas

11 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe and Your Sanity Intact this Halloween {Guest...

Halloween is coming up fast and we are counting down the days until we can mama tax our kids candy and take some for ourselves. Who's with us?!?! As a mom whose favorite holiday is...
halloween events

Halloween Events In and Around San Diego

As the end of October arrives, the activities and events happening in San Diego are thrilling!  Hosting a Halloween event? Add it to our calendar HERE. Autumn Festival at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park Join all...

Make a Difference This Summer With Smart & Final [SPONSORED]

Summer is right around the corner and San Diego is coming in hot with these temperatures! I absolutely love hosting and hearing all the laughter from friends in our backyard! However, I don't know about...

Let’s Make The Most of 2021 with Smart & Final! [SPONSORED]

  2021 has surprisingly just been flying by, and I simply cannot wait to entertain and bring so much love and laughter from immediate family and close friends back into my home! It is a...

{SPONSORED} Children’s Primary Care Medical Group is #SDMApproved

From the moment you touch their tiny toes to the day they graduate high school, you want the very best for your child. That’s why more than 200,000 families have turned to Children's Primary Care Medical...

Mother’s Day Events In and Around San Diego

The countdown has begun for Mother's Day! May 9th is slowly making its way, and we want to make sure your day is filled with an abundance of love. Whether it be a family...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring is here, and San Diego is blooming with exciting events! 🌸 Your guide to all the seasonal fun is here with our Ultimate...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer