

Easy and Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day Decorating

My husband and I met on 2/13, so we’ve always done an anniversary/Valentine date and then made Valentine’s Day about the kiddos. They, of course, love it. It’s the perfect bridge between Christmas and...

Gotta Get Away? Try Big Bear!

This whole COVID life has got me feeling like Lenny Kravitz - I want to get away. I wanna fly away. Except not fly - cuz, you know, COVID - just drive. So hubby...

Do Something Creative Every Day

When the lockdown first started, I took it really hard. I thrive on schedules and planning and structure. And all of that was taken away from me with no warning, no clue how long...

Lesson Learned: Never Go To Bed Angry

The age-old marriage advice of never going to bed angry is one, I have to admit, I have never followed. I’ve gone to bed angry more times than I can count. Sometimes I wasn’t...

5 Easy Meals to Please the Whole Family

We've all been cooking a lot lately. Like, a lot. Too much. More than I have ever cooked in my entire life. The kids are home all day and they are always hungry. But...

10 Steps to the Ultimate Playroom

Working from home with a toddler is no joke. Keeping them safe and occupied and entertained and educationally stimulated all day every day is a challenge unlike any other. So I’ve spent the last...

How I Get a Home-Cooked Meal on the Table Every (Weekday) Night

My husband and I grew up watching our grandmas and moms, even after a long day at work, getting into the kitchen and making a homemade dinner for the family. Even the thought of...

My Kids Are 10.5 Years Apart and I Don’t Regret a Thing

A lot of people prefer to have their kids close together. And there are definite obvious benefits to it — you're done with diapers faster. They have a built-in best friend. It's easy to...

Date Your Kids For As Long As They’ll Let You

There's a popular saying that goes "Never stop dating your spouse" that's often given as advice to keep marriages healthy and strong. Well, that same advice works with your kids, too. Whether you're a...

Why Our Advent Calendar Is My Favorite Holiday Tradition

I have always had a fascination with advent calendars. My mom used to get the ones from Trader Joe's where you get a piece of chocolate for each day as we counted down to...

How We Save $1,000 a Year for Christmas Without Even Trying

I am not good at saving. Like, not even a little bit. I'm the person that sees that e-mail saying "40% off today only!" and instantly clicks to start shopping simply because it's on...

Five Recipes You Need to Make This Fall Season

A lot of times during the summer, I end up making sandwiches or pasta salad or just picking up food because it is just too hot to cook. But come those cool fall evenings,...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring is here, and San Diego is blooming with exciting events! 🌸 Your guide to all the seasonal fun is here with our Ultimate...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer