We all know self care is important, but while in quarantine and with kids home right now, it can be tricky. Resources are limited and quiet moments at home are far and few between, making self-care a non-priority for...
The holiday season is one of many festivities. What I love about this time of year is that it fosters such creativity. There is no shortage of fun activities to do with kids right at home, many with materials...
If you're anything like me and my family, you're staying home this New Year's Eve. We'll find a good cartoon countdown video somewhere, put out lots of yummy desserts and chips and dip, and celebrate—just the four of us....
Looking for a way to infuse cultural learning into your holiday baking with kids? Try recipes from other countries, like an Italian Tiramisu.  There are literally hundreds of Tiramisu recipes in Italy, but this one is specifically for kids. In...
Do you have a sick kit? If not, let me tell you why you absolutely need one! My kids went back to school and things started off like any other back to school. The outfits were carefully laid out the...
We all know the fun of a Turkey Hand-print, but I want to give you a couple more ideas to get in the Thanksgiving spirit and keep those little hands happily occupied. Never doubt the power of a few...
 "I hate receiving a nice card in the mail", said no gal ever! Every now and again I’ll get a little surprise in the mail from a friend- it’s the freakin’ sweetest! To know you’re thought of, and that...
A few weeks ago I worked up the courage to try out macramé and much to my surprise, it was pretty easy and quick. So, if you invite me to your birthday party, you’ll likely be getting a plant...
It's that time of the year . . . St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner on March 17th! The day when most of us scour our closets and jewelry boxes looking for anything with green. If you hurry,...
This post contains affiliate links to help keep our little site running!    Is anyone else excited about the Beauty and the Beast remake coming out this month? I love the classic animated film, and from the few scenes I have...
My daughter digs in the trash- well mostly the recycle bin- but it's not what you may think! She isn't searching for food or dumpster diving. My adorable little 8 year old, loves to do arts and crafts! She is...
I'm what you'd call a "sorta" semi-crunchy mama. I mean I'm only semi-crunchy, like, one-fourth of the time. My tot wears cloth diapers but usually only at home because I had one recent poo-fiasco in the car and I've...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...