G3Kids (Point Loma, UTC & PB)

G3Kids (Point Loma, UTC & PB)

G3Kids is a gymnastics-based athletic program and interactive learning academy. G3Kids offers traditional and trendy gymnastics classes while ensuring safety and fun exploration. In an effort to reach a child’s highest potential for growth, we emphasize maximizing brain stimulation through physical activity.


They host both semi-private and private parties at all three locations! G3Kids is a gymnastics-based athletic program and interactive learning academy. G3Kids offers traditional and trendy gymnastics classes while ensuring safety and fun exploration.

In an effort to reach a child’s highest potential for growth, they emphasize maximizing brain stimulation through physical activity. With two birthday party options available to get your birthday kiddo in the celebrating spirit, G3Kids is ready for you to enjoy some tumbling fun!

Open Gym

Please call to check for availability. They close drop-offs for private events.

La Jolla UTC Hours

Open Gym:
Monday – Friday : 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm
Sunday: 9am-12pm

Drop Off:
Saturday: 1:00pm-6:00pm
Sunday: 11am-6pm

Saturday & Sunday any times after 12:30pm
Weekdays 6:30pm or later

Pacific Beach Hours

Open Gym:
Monday – Friday : 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm
Sunday: 9am-12pm

Drop Off:
Sunday: 9am-12pm

Saturday & Sunday any times after 12:30pm

Point Loma Hours

Open Gym:
Monday – Friday : 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm
Sunday: 9am-12pm

Drop Off:
Sunday: 9am-6pm

Saturday & Sunday any times after 12:30pm



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