As Strong as the Mother Next to Me Spotlight: Sara Wacker

Sara Wacker and Son

We are thrilled to introduce you to Sara Wacker, mother, wife and owner of Sara Wacker, APR Public Relations.

headshot Sara WackerSara, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us. Let’s start with who you are both personally and professionally. Give us the 30-second elevator speech that you would give when asked to introduce yourself.

I am a local/regional publicist, specializing in family lifestyle. Throughout the year, I work with family organizations like The Super Dentists, San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, and Coastal Roots Farm, and regularly, I also promote shows & events that come to town, such as Cirque du Soleil, Disney On Ice and Monster Jam, as well as smaller festivals, runs and family events.

What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?

“We’re all in this together. I wholeheartedly believe in collaboration, and if there are ways that it makes sense to join together and create something that is a win-win, than I’m all for it!”

How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms both professionally and personally? It’s so important to surround yourself both personally and professionally with like-minded people. For me that is a mompreneur or business-minded parent, who lives in our community and wants to share resources, things to do and overall, what inspires them.

How did you get started with your current role? Tell us more about your day-to-day life in business. I studied journalism in college and eventually found PR. I’ve been practicing PR for the last, almost 20 years (wow, I’m making myself feel old!). Once I had my son, I wanted more flexibility with my schedule (to attend music class together & volunteer at his school); I likely could have done that with my former agency, but I also wanted full control of what I was working on and who I was working with. That freedom has kept things fresh and exciting.

Thankfully, I don’t have a lot of “mommy guilt,” because I try hard to be at most/all events/activities, but it is continually hard to balance work, family time & personal health. There’s always one more email, and my phone continually pings with texts, but I try to carve out time for each. I love what I do and feel that I’m a better mom, because I work and have that other part of me.

What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balance work/home life? Or is thinking about starting her own business? Look at the week ahead and see if there’s too much of one thing or another. Then, if there’s not enough “fun stuff” – I schedule a few play dates, walk/coffee/wine with a friend, etc. Or, if I have a heavy press/filming week for my clients, I look where I can bring my son with me to “help” and then grab a “treat” on the way home. During the summer, it is extra challenging, because I want him to be engaged and participating in productive activities, but I also need to work too. That’s where summer camps can be so great for both. And, even with the pandemic, there are a number of outdoor, small ratio camps that I feel comfortable sending him to.

Tell us about a cause or project that you are passionate about and why. I like to support the small businesses and non-profits that I work with, so programs that speak to kids and education typically get my additional support, like the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum, Coastal Roots Farm, and Children’s Nature Retreat.

Tell us about a challenging time in your business and how you overcame it? Similar to many, I’d have to say COVID-19! Most clients understand that now is the time that they need PR the most (to pivot their business, bring services and programs online, and communicate those changes to their audiences), but in some cases, they just had to reduce their budgets. Or, for the big shows and events, those are just temporarily on hold.

How did you build your community of moms around you and how have they impacted your life personally and professionally? Most of my mom community was built when my son was younger, attending the same activities or frequenting the same places…now, I can’t imagine parenting without their shared passion and support.

Would you like to share a special offer to our readers? If people are interested in PR, they can email me. All campaigns are customized.

as strong as the mother next to me“As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” was built on the principle and belief that with the right community and sisterhood you can move mountains. Founder Niki Jones is a single mother and entrepreneur who understands that leaning on her circle doesn’t make her weak; it makes her unstoppable.

Research supports that by doing good or paying it forward, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.

MOTHERHOOD IS HARD ENOUGH. San Diego Moms wants to provide an experience and community that is inclusive, uplifting and supportive to ALL moms. By empowering and lifting each other up, we become better women, partners, leaders, and friends.

At this time I would like to ask you to nominate two moms, and we will only share their first name in the article, but also WHY you are nominating them.


Jenn and I became friends when we were both pregnant; our boys are just two weeks apart. There’s something to be said for going through the process together; it has forever bonded us. We celebrate our wins, talk through the challenges and more than anything, trust each other as a solid sound board.


“Heather keeps it real; the way she approaches parenting is refreshing. She’s stays in the moment with them, but carves out time for herself too. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, and keeps things light. She can always make me laugh about the journey.”

To nominate a Strong Mother next to you or submit your information to be featured, please click the link below for more information.

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