An Ode To Our Public Libraries


*Not “ode” as in poem, but “ODE” as in, Online Display of Emotion for our libraries.


Thank You, San Diego County Libraries!

Where would we be without you, San Diego County Libraries (SDCL)?

Maybe HOT, roasting at home? Thank you for being a “Cool Zone.” It’s summer, in San Diego, so I must thank you for that.

 Thank you for saving me money as well!


You stop me from buying a million of those books….moms, you know the ones….in each step of the kid’s learning level, “Learn to Read.” Don’t get me wrong, we have a huge at home library, but my wallet can’t keep up! And can I just mention, Reading Off Fines! Sigh, because we know, I never get our books back on time. Where was this when I was a kid?

 Can I read off my fine as well? This is the kind of “work” I could have really enjoyed doing.

Also, thank you for being a FREE and bigger Red Box with DVDs and CDs to rent! I know you have saved many cable-less moms out there. Sometimes, we must give in to our televisions, and our home collections just don’t cut it. You are keeping the kid happy and not costing us an arm and a leg! Thank you to all you wonderful Libraries in our county!

BUT my love and appreciation doesn’t stop there!

You provide us so much entertainment. Not just book, “enjoy reading” kind of entertainment, but full on awesome and fun events! We have a blast and we always look forward to them. I am constantly updating my “Facebook Events” with each libraries’ schedule. I am not just checking Facebook, but each of my local libraries’ websites as well for the monthly calendar so we know what will be our next must do.


You give us so much to look forward to. SDCL, you have given our kids a space for exercise and relaxation through kids FREE yoga classes. Your science events are always fun and hands on. Pop-culture days of Star Wars, Harry Potter, or even “Mini-Comic Con,” the list just goes on. You have everything from Baby Meet-up Story Times, Teen Nights, and even Senior times. You will be there for me throughout all my years. (Did I mention I’m looking forward to the next chicken care class?)

San Diego County Libraries! You offer my kid so much more! She has learned to cook, even made yummy dumplings! You have given her an outlet for her creativity with the art contests and classes. You support our county’s children in a way just beyond what a parent or school can. You give an extra place to boost just what we are trying to teach. “Summer Reading Program” is there for us when school can’t be. You are the true sense of community, adding to the village that takes care of my child.


I honestly don’t think we can say enough good stuff about the programs and all that’s being offered, but know that we see you! We appreciate you! Thank you!


*I recommend checking out SDCL home page, it has a list of each branch where you can check the events from there. They also have a Twitter @sdcountylibrary and a current #ILoveSDCL. Also, a lot of our libraries have a Facebook Page, some are better at listing events then others, but it does make it easier to stay in touch.


  1. My kids and I use to live reading time when they were little. Now we like to venture to the downtown library! SO. MANY. BOOKS. and the view from the top!!

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