SDMB Friday Favorites- “Me-Time” Pamper Edition


friday favorites camping

For this weeks edition of Friday Favorites, myself and Elisabeth brought you our favorite “me-time” products and things we like to do for when we are able to squeeze in some precious me-time.

As moms, we all know how hard it is to actually have some time alone, and unless you are lucky enough to leave the house for some time away- we have to take advantage of the times we have at home to pamper ourselves a bit.

For Elisabeth– she showed us some of her favs. I love her routine and need to adapt taking a bath into my routine! She loves to take a relaxing bubble bath, (when the little goes to bed) with her choice of awesome moisturizing face masks (affiliate link), and then she pours herself her favorite Redd’s Blueberry Ale (yours can be beer, wine, or your choice of your fav drink!).

With about 20 minutes of peaceful alone time, I would say that is a pretty decent way to spend it!

friday favorites me time
friday favorites me time
After! Skin is moisturized!

As an amazing artist, she also likes to spend some time drawing. Her favorite drawing books come from an artist she found on Etsy by the name of Katie Daisy. Her products can be found in her etsy shop!

friday favorites me time

I, on the other hand, take my me-time in a different direction. I like to wake up early in the morning before my girls get up to read, get a workout in, (if I know that I can’t make it to the gym that day) or just have some quiet time to myself. It almost feels like the calm before the storm! That way I don’t just wake up and jump into the madness. If I am with my girls, I also love to do “spa day” with them as much as possible. This can include facial masks, facial peels and manicures (do it yourself at home with a Sally Hansen gels nail kit!).

My me-time is few and far between these days with a six and eight year old, since most of my day is spent homeschooling, driving them to various activities, and working. However, it’s no excuse to not give myself some pamper time. Us mamas deserve it!

friday favoritesCheck out the Facebook Live that we did!

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What is your me-time routine? How often do you take some time out for yourself to do something you enjoy? Let us know in the comments below!