Jenna Skora

Jenna Skora
Jenna is the owner and founder of the San Diego Moms Blog. As a San Diego native, she met and quickly Married her husband (also a native) in her hometown in 2007. He deployed shortly after, and when he returned, they welcomed their daughter Hayley in 2009. The family grew once again with Savannah being born in 2011. As a fire wife, homeschooling mom, and all around CEO of the house, Jenna likes to take some time to herself and teach fitness classes. As her main passion for over 3 years, Insanity and Zumba top the list as her favorites.

Where to Install a Car Seat in San Diego

As of January 1st, 2017, the laws have changed again for car seat safety. California law states that children under the age of 2 must ride in a rear facing car seat UNLESS the child is...

Your Guide To Giving Birth in San Diego

Congratulations and welcome to motherhood! Being pregnant can be such a joyful time, full of new changes and decisions. One of the biggest decisions you will have to make is where you will deliver your new bundle...
every mother

Every Mother Counts – Honoring Mother’s Day

In honor of Mother’s Day, join us Saturday May 12th at 9:30am for a Champagne Brunch hosted by San Diego mom and Every Mother Counts supporter, Annie Murray, and partnered with the Postpartum Health Alliance of San...
MOB business

MOB {Mom Owned Business} is Coming to San Diego!

So, what is the MOB?? The MOB Nation (formerly The MOB NW) is an alliance of Mom-Owned Businesses dedicated to empowering and connecting women who balance both motherhood and business. The MOB launched in the Pacific Northwest in 2012 and...
family safety

Family Safety Day Event Re-cap!

What was this event all about and what was the purpose of this event? This event screamed necessity after a dear friend of mine had a scary incident with her then 3 month old daughter. She...

San Diego Beer Moms :: What We’re Up To!

As our community continues to grow in San Diego, we noticed a need for meet ups so that we could have more face to face interaction with our mamas.  We noticed that San Diego has...

Goodbye Toys R Us and all the Good Memories

For some of us who have not been on top of the news lately- it comes as a surprise when we hear that all of our childhood memories of Toys R Us are merely...

Celebrate National Margarita Day with Delicious Margarita Recipes

Not that we need to make it an actual holiday to enjoy a margarita, BUT, today is National Margarita Day! I would be doing a disservice to you as our readers if I didn't...
family safety event

Family Safety Day Event Details and Announcements!

We are so excited to announce our first Family Safety Event! What is this event about and what is the purpose of this event? This event screamed necessity after a dear friend of mine had a...

Babies”R”Us Great Trade-In Event 2018

It's here!  Babies"R"Us is having their annual trade-in event for used items. So what is the trade-in event, and what does it mean for me? Listed below are all of the used items you can bring...
Jack Pearson

This Is NOT Us : Fire Safety 101

The "This Is Us" portion of the blog is written by Elisabeth - the fire safety portion is written by Jenna.    If you're not caught up on the latest 'This Is Us episode' DO NOT...

The Best List of Date Night In Subscription Boxes

Maybe you're like me, and you are in a busy season of life right now. So busy that you can barely find time to plan a date night out! Knowing the importance of dating...

Stay Connected...


In + Around San Diego

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer

Join San Diego Moms for a special happy hour with a purpose! 🎉 On Tuesday, February 11th, from 4–6 PM at The Original 40 Brewing Company in North Park, we’re bringing...