I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Being a mom is hard. From the moment you discover you’re pregnant, your body is not your own anymore. You spend 40 weeks (give or take) making sure you’re eating healthy, getting exercise and cutting out beloved things like sushi and wine. Once the baby arrives, everything becomes all about them. Are they eating enough? Are they playing enough? Sleeping enough? These question can stress out even the most veteran moms. Becoming a mom doesn’t mean you have to lose your identity, even though most days it can certainly feel that way. Ever meet another mom at school and introduce yourself as “so and so’s mom” as if that’s your entire identity?
I have 3 kids, so I get it. My days are mostly spent catering to my kid’s needs. Making sure the kids are up to date with doctor’s appointments, permission slips for field trips are signed and everyone has clean clothes to wear. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. My kids are 9, 8 and 3 and I am just realizing how important it is for me to take care of myself! Such a simple concept, but so often overlooked. I am guilty of letting all the stress build up and then explode on my undeserving family only to immediately regret it. It isn’t fair to anyone, so I try to do little things here and there for myself to help keep my sanity and ultimately be a better mom. Here are a few things that I do to “spoil myself”.
Work out: Most of my days usually start the same. Wake up at 5:30am, go to the gym at 6:10, rush home to shower and get the girls up around 7:30 to get to school. This by far is my favorite way to spoil myself. Don’t get me wrong, working out isn’t always easy or even fun sometimes, but it’s something I do for me. I found a gym that really works for me. A gym that keeps me motivated and interested. I genuinely love going, I’m one of those people that gets cranky after missing a few days of exercise. Mama needs her endorphins!
2. Products: I am a skincare junkie. Cleansers, moisturizers, and oils OH MY! Places like Sephora are my happy place. So even though I usually get a 5-minute mom shower, I love to use good quality products to make it more of a mini spa experience. Some of my favorites right now are literally anything from AVEDA and my newest obsession: CBD oil soaps. These from LEEF organics are my absolute favorite! So buttery and smooth, it has really made a difference in my skin’s overall texture and appearance.
3. Bingeworthy TV shows: I know watching TV isn’t productive at all and some may even think it’s an absolute waste of time. But man, if I can live vicariously through some fictional character for 30 minutes then why not? It’s not like I sit around all day glued to the screen, just a quick show while the big girls are in the shower and the little is napping. Or in the background, while getting dinner ready. Latest binge: Jane the Virgin.
4. Secret Dessert Stash: You know what I’m talking about. The peanut butter cups from the trick or treat bag that I still to need “check” because it looks a little suspicious or the box of chocolate I secretly bought and stashed in the very back of the pantry. Is it me or do these little treats taste better when you’re alone?
5. Girl’s Night In: So this is more of a once-a-week type thing, but so important for my sanity. I’m lucky enough to have known my girlfriends for a ridiculously long time. I’m talking since first grade long. Most Fridays, (or “Frigreys” as we lovingly refer to it due to our unintentional habit of always wearing heather grey) we hang out at one of our houses. We drink wine, eat pizza or Mexican food and have a big ol’ vent session. Sometimes it’s happy venting, sometimes its not. But that’s the beauty of it. I’m very blessed to have this group of girls in my life. To quote a character on one of my favorite bingeworthy tv shows, “It’s hard to find people who will love you no matter what, I was lucky enough to find three of them.” – Carrie Bradshaw
While I would love to be able to do all of these things every day, sometimes that isn’t the reality. There will always be a school play to attend or a dental appointment to schedule. Blips in the routine keep things interesting at least. So I take what I can get even if it means 10 minutes to myself before bed, on my phone, reading the latest celebrity gossip while diffusing some essential oils. Bliss.
Now that I’ve shared the things I do to treat myself, how do you spoil yourself? I’d love to hear about it! I’m also taking any new tv show recommendations, it’s summer break after all 😉