{SPONSORED} Questioning the Choice to Have Plastic Surgery?

This is a La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre (LJCSC) Sponsored Post.

A Local Mom Shares How Her Mommy Makeover Changed Her Life

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I spend my days working with people who are looking to feel more comfortable in their bodies—and just as every person is unique, so are my patients’ motivations for seeking help.

Still, the choice to have plastic surgery is accepted by some and scrutinized by others. That’s why I want to help more people understand why they should fully support moms’ decisions when it comes to plastic surgery. With my focus on specialized body contouring techniques, I know just how much impact a few procedures can have on a mom’s confidence and emotional wellbeing.

Rather than explaining in my own words, I’m going to “hand the mic” over to one of my patients, local mom Riana. Below, she opens up about why she made the decision to have ​mommy makeover surgery​ with the hope her story can inspire and empower other moms to stand up for their personal choices.

riana headshot

Riana opens up about reclaiming her sense of self

“As a mom of three, I’ve had the joy of watching my children grow, flourish, and learn about the world for nearly two decades—and it has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my life. But there are a few downsides we’re not supposed to talk about as moms, particularly the toll pregnancy, childbirth, and putting your family’s needs before your own can take on your body.

The truth is, I just wasn’t satisfied with my body, and it had a huge impact on my life. I had areas of fat that wouldn’t go away, my breasts were uncomfortably large and beginning to droop, and extra skin on my tummy impacted my ability to enjoy my life to fullest with my family. I spent a lot of time hiding or focusing on my flaws rather than enjoying the memories we were making.

I knew something had to change, and I had reached the limits of what diet and exercise could do. I started researching my options and quickly discovered that a mommy makeover might be the right solution. I spent so many years feeling unhappy with the way I looked, and I couldn’t wait to finally have a beautiful body that I wasn’t ashamed of, to wear a swimsuit without fear.

When my daughter was old enough, I was anxious to get the process started. Though I trusted my husband, family, and friends and knew they would ultimately be supportive, I was nervous to share the news. I didn’t want anyone to judge me as being vain or think I was taking unnecessary measures.

If there’s something I’ve learned over the years, it’s that many people think you can fix anything if you work hard enough or that having surgery is an ‘easy way out.’ But as moms, we know there are things you simply cannot improve by eating the right things or never missing a pilates class.

Thankfully, my fears were largely unjustified, so I moved on to planning. In addition to wanting stellar results (of course!), I knew I wanted to work with a board certified plastic surgeon who would truly understand my concerns, make sure I was safe and comfortable, and help me feel at ease.

When I met with Dr. Salazar for my consultation, we discussed my concerns and came up with a treatment plan that would help me achieve my goals in the safest way possible. We decided my first step should be to lose a bit of weight so I could be at my healthiest before my procedures, so I had Obalon gastric balloons placed to help speed the process along. When I reached my goal, it was time for my mommy makeover, which would include a breast reduction, liposuction for further contouring, and a tummy tuck to tighten the skin on my abdomen.

plastic surgery before and after

plastic surgery before and after

When surgery day arrived, I was full of nervous excitement, like when you’re waiting in line for a rollercoaster. My procedures went smoothly and, before I knew it, it was time for me to head home. The first night was a bit hazy because of the anesthesia, but I remember being surprised that I mostly felt discomfort and soreness rather than full-blown pain. I made sure to follow Dr. Salazar’s aftercare instructions to a T and spent most of my time resting and allowing my body to heal (it was a good thing I had some help with the kids). Over the next few weeks, the soreness began to fade, and I started to anxiously await my final results.

I couldn’t wait to have surgery—and I would do it 20 times over again.

Now that I’m fully healed, I’m enjoying newfound confidence. I love being able to spend a day at the beach with my family without worry about a roll here or jiggle there. My mommy makeover not only helped me feel like myself again, it also helped improve my relationships. I’m in a better place mentally and emotionally because I’m no longer limited by my body—and I hope my story can inspire other moms to do whatever they need to feel their best.”

Moms deserve to feel beautiful too

Being a parent is both a rewarding and stressful experience. Moms notoriously prioritize the needs of their family over their own self-care—and it can greatly impact their emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.

If there is anything I’ve learned from our mommy makeover patients, it’s that even small changes can have a big impact, and feeling beautiful and confident can promote positive, lasting improvements in all areas of your life. If you want to make a change or are simply curious about your options, I encourage you to talk to a board certified plastic surgeon about your options. Many San Diego cosmetic surgeons offer free consults so you can learn more risk-free. We do as well; you can ​contact my office​ at La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre (LJCSC) to schedule.

Riana received her surgery at LJCSC at a discounted rate.

About Dr. Hector Salazar: ​​Dr. Salazar​ is a board-certified plastic surgeon well known for his exceptional patient care and natural-looking results. He serves patients at ​La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre​, an award-winning, full service cosmetic surgery practice and medical spa that has been helping patients in San Diego and beyond look and feel fabulous for 30 years.