How to Make a New Year Vision Board with Kids


First, why do I do vision boards with my kid?

Now that my daughter is old enough to understand a bit about resolutions, goals, plans, and all, I thought it was time for something meaningful to do in January. It is a normal thing to talk about what we want to accomplish, what our priorities are, how to get things done around this time, and I strongly recommend the power of writing, listing, projecting!!! Encourage my kids to accomplish what they want on their own is my ultimate goal!

I only wanted to do it in a way that was a bit more fun, relaxing, and colorful!

Also, teaching how effective it is to write things down in order to make them happen, to be organized and focused was something I wanted to share with her…

With some guidance, I wanted her to make it her own way and be proud of her project! Which she really did!!!

I thought about giving her specific terms instead of something too vague, not that I don’t agree with them, I just wanted to make her projections more realistic!

So, instead of love, travel, health, etc I asked her to:

1) write 3 to 5 positive words;

2) 3-5 health snacks,

3) 3-5 places she wanted to visit in the States;

4) 3-5 activities (sports) she wanted to do.

So, that being said, everything we needed to get it started:

1) Supplies: 1 board, 1 pair of scissors, 1 glue stick, tons of markers, and magazines.

2) Write out vision terms: Positive words, places in the USA, healthy snacks, activities.

3) Mindful Process: lots of talking, coloring, cutting and gluing.

She made it happen, and she loves it!

To make sure she will be visualizing it throughout the year, we attached it right by her bed, that way she will keep reminding herself of her intentions, which probably will end up happening… Not sure about Hawaii and Alaska, but everything else, yes!

It certainly was a fun hour I got to spend with my super smart, determined, and hard-working 8-year-old girl, and I would do it a billion times all over again. These “mini” minds are full of amazing thoughts!

I really hope you make it happen mama, it is one amazing project!

Happy 2019 and I hope the intentions you set come true!
