San Diego Pride 2019



SD pride logo
(Image via official Facebook page)

It is July in San Diego and that means PRIDE has hit the town! San Diego Pride is a weekend full of fun events to celebrate the #LGBTQ community. I was honored to attend the parade in Hillcrest and take my little guys and some friends along with me.

And yes, I say honored, because it’s truly an honor to stand amongst people who have been put down, oppressed, and bullied for so long and celebrate them. It was also an honor to take over the IG stories for the San Diego Moms Blog! Thanks ladies for letting me cover this event, I was so grateful to be there and represent us. 

san diego pride

The great thing about the pride parade is that it is completely kid friendly. On the surface it’s all music, dancing, colors, bubbles, feathers, glitter, and stickers, and that is exactly how kids see it. They look through unmanipulated eyes (or maybe rainbow-colored glasses in this case) and just see a lot of fun stuff, which is something we can all take a hint from. Everyone is truly there to have a good time, so the vibes were so high and happy! That is exactly the kind of energy I want my littles around.

Why was it so important for me to take my children to the parade? To start with, we have immediate family who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual as well as many close friends. We want to show them how much we love them and how we stand with them.

Love is Love at SD Pride

Teaching my children love is love, support, equality, standing up for others, acceptance, having a voice, respect, kindness, being woke and of course, compassion is something I take so seriously as a parent. We live in a world that is really out of sorts these days and I personally think our children are the future and the solution and by raising them with these values, we can change it. Mamas, if you’re here to raise socially conscious and compassionate humans – I rock with ya!

Love is too much of a beautiful thing to be kept in the closet. And it is a human emotion, not a political statement.Your gender is real, your identity is valid, you are worthy of love and respect. There is nothing wrong with you and a lot wrong with this world. I admire every single one of you at San Diego Pride for standing up to discrimination and being courageous by showing the world your true, diverse self. Make ZERO apologies for being your authentic self. These are also lessons I’d like to teach my children. 

san diego pride
A very pooped pride baby!



To follow along with our moms as they check out local events and happenings, follow us on Instagram!


  1. Refreshing to hear that you are raising your children to be accepting. It’s a value that is lost on too many.

  2. I agree! It’s so moving to see humans come together in support, love and celebration. Loved bringing my kids too, we had a great time.

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