Meet Bonnie Mantel, Mother, Community Builder and Founder of Primus Family Law Group, LLP
Bonnie, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us. Let’s start with who you are both personally and professionally. Give us the 30-second elevator pitch that you would give when asked to introduce yourself.
I have a 17-year-old daughter, a 27-year-old stepson, and a 24-year-old stepdaughter (I became a stepmom when they were 6 and 3). I have been working since I myself was 15. I pride myself on being a role model for my family, showing them that a strong woman can rise to the top while remaining true to her beliefs, values and still have a warm and connected family life.
What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?
“It means that we, as women, need to shore up each other and provide the encouragement and assistance to get each one of us ahead. We are only as strong as the one next to us.”
How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms both professionally and personally? Very. It’s hard trying to have it all and only those going through it as well can truly understand. It’s important to bolster each other professionally as well so as to bridge that gender gap.
Balance. The guilt of being at work when a home needs me and being at home when work needs me.
What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balancing work/home life? Or is thinking about starting her own business? The struggle is ongoing. Dealing with the struggle is what makes one succeed. Start that business- don’t falter- it will come if you believe in yourself and have the love and support of your family.
Tell us about a challenging time in your business and how you overcame it? It was a huge decision to leave the “comfort” of a law firm salary and go out on my own, not knowing if I would be able to make ends meet. Through strategic marketing and grassroots organic networking I have been able to grow my business from just myself and an assistant to over 12 employees.
How did you build your community of moms around you and how have they impacted your life personally and professionally? My closest mom friends are those I have known either since my own childhood or since having my children and the activities that they participate(d) in. All of them are working moms and I often call them when I need either advice or a balance check.
“As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” was built on the principle and belief that with the right community and sisterhood you can move mountains. Founder Niki Jones is a single mother and entrepreneur who understands that leaning on her circle doesn’t make her weak; it makes her unstoppable.
Research supports that by doing good or paying it forward, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.
MOTHERHOOD IS HARD ENOUGH. San Diego Moms wants to provide an experience and community that is inclusive, uplifting and supportive to ALL moms. By empowering and lifting each other up, we become better women, partners, leaders, and friends.
At this time I would like to ask you to nominate two moms, and we will only share their first name in the article, but also WHY you are nominating them.
Amy West
“She is a superstar single mom, step mom and business professional. She would be an invaluable addition. I am proud to call her friend both personally and professionally.”