Back to Our Roots: Inspiring Gratitude at Camp


The holiday season reminds us to reflect and share what we are grateful for with others. But much like celebrating Mother’s or Father’s Day, I think we can all agree this shouldn’t only be done around Thanksgiving. 


noun: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Living a life that is filled with gratitude is something that has always been very important to my family—and it is to me, now, more than ever. As I have gotten older and become a mother, I have realized that living a gratitude-focused and inspired life is truly a choice. 

 A choice that you have to make daily. 

In a time when many kids have $700 phones and iPads that they take for granted, teaching gratitude can seem challenging to say the least. But teaching our kids to be grateful and live with gratitude might be one of the MOST important things we do. 

I strive to find ways to share, teach, and model gratitude to my daughter daily.

kaia farm campSo when I realized that her recent After-School Farm Camp experience at Coastal Roots Farm was teaching Kaia about gratitude in ways I had not (and probably could not) do well, I was elated to say the least.

Not only does their After-School Farm Camp provide this immersive, one-of-a-kind, outdoor camp experience (and a few hours of childcare at the same time), but one of the key underlying messages that Kaia was walking away with was GRATITUDE. I saw it almost immediately after her first week. The way she spoke about plants, bugs, dirt and even just the simple appreciation of vegetables (even though she doesn’t particularly like them.)

The concept of getting back to your “roots” to reset and refocus is not a new one. The intended outcome often is to be further humbled and grateful for what you have. Although Kaia was not a farmer in a previous life, she literally has been learning about “roots” and the life cycle of plants, from seed to flower and fruit. My intention in sending her to this camp was to get her hands dirty a bit, but the knowledge and appreciation for the earth she has come away with, has been a tremendous area of growth and gratitude in her life. 

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here is a full review of the After-School Farm Camp at Coastal Roots Farm. For more information on the camp, visit their website.  Full and partial scholarship are readily available! Email for details. 

Check out all of our San Diego Moms posts around inspiring gratitude in your children.