As Strong As The Mother Next To Me Spotlight: Ritika Sehgal


Meet Ritika Sehgal, Owner of
Challenge Island San Diego Coastal

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Ritika, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us. Let’s start with who you are both personally and professionally. Give us the 30-second elevator speech that you would give when asked to introduce yourself.

I own a STEAM enrichment franchise that is powered by childrens’ imagination and helps to foster 21st-century skills. I like to ‘make learning fun’ and foster engagement through real connections.

What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?

“Look for inspiration! There are so many wonderful moms who continue to constantly amaze, inspire and motivate me. In my journey as an entrepreneur the one thing I learned really quickly was that no one has it easy, and looking at everyone around me who was successful, I saw the perseverance and resilience it took for them to be where they were. I strive for that strength.”

How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms both professionally and personally? It is empowering and uplifting!

Having led software engineering teams for a big med-tech company for many years, I decided to branch into bringing a supplemental way of learning for kids and opened a local franchise of an award-winning program, Challenge Island – San Diego Coastal.

What challenges do you face as a mother and a business person? I would sum it up with a phrase I have heard from another successful boss-mama, Melissa Sofia – As a Mompreneur you have to “mom like you do not work and work like you don’t have to mom”.

What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balancing work/home life? or thinking about starting her own business?  If you’re learning from everything that you’re doing, even if the outcome is not what you had anticipated or expected, you’re learning. If you’re learning from everything that you’re doing, you’re winning.”― Sophia Amoruso

What are some of your favorite resources for business that have saved you time?? Leaning on my network of advocates, especially Mompreneurs. Find your tribe. There is so much to be learned from those who have done it before and have their experience to share.

Tell us about a challenging time in your business and how you overcame it? Much like many other businesses the lockdowns in the midst of COVID pandemic affected our offering. Since our programs are heavily focused on interactive and hands-on workshops, physical (social) distancing had us rethinking creatively. Using the same ‘Growth Mindset’ that we promote through our programs, we are proud to have been able to convert our programs to virtual, while staying true to our core values

How did you build your community of moms around you and how have they impacted your life personally and professionally? I love connecting. I thrive in a community – to build it you have to ‘show up’ ! And as I am reminded often by my friend Angela Quisumbing, ‘give more than you take’! I have learned and grown so much with my mom-tribes, including your amazing group. I am grateful.

Would you like to offer anything to our readers? I would love to offer your members/ subscribers an exclusive discount of 10% off if they sign up for any scheduled or upcoming Virtual Enrichment Classes OR President’s Day Camp or Spring Break Camp by January 30, 2021. 

Camp Registration  |  Virtual Enrichment / After School Program 

SD Mom’s Enter Promo Code:

PERK ALERT: If you are looking for group events such as class workshops / kids night, family night events, mention SD Moms and we will provide exclusive package pricing. They can contact me at for customizing an event to suit their setup.

Anything else you would like us to know? I am passionate about children’s education and improving outcomes, so I currently volunteer with the Alliance for Quality Education (AQE). It is my hope to find more avenues to contribute to more imaginative and creative ways for kids to learn.

as strong as the mother next to me“As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” was built on the principle and belief that with the right community and sisterhood you can move mountains. Founder Niki Jones is a single mother and entrepreneur who understands that leaning on her circle doesn’t make her weak; it makes her unstoppable.

Research supports that by doing good or paying it forward, in ways big or small, it not only feels good, but also does us good.

MOTHERHOOD IS HARD ENOUGH. San Diego Moms wants to provide an experience and community that is inclusive, uplifting and supportive to ALL moms. By empowering and lifting each other up, we become better women, partners, leaders, and friends.

At this time I would like to ask you to MOMinate two moms and tell us why they are the Strong Mother Next to You . . .

Jenné Suryadihardja

“Jenné is such a bubbly and amazingly uplifting personality. She truly believes in thinking out of the box and is always there as a sounding board for any crazy ideas one might have.”

Vasanthy Ravindran   

“Vasanthy has a generous heart and a ‘never say die’ attitude!”

To MOMinate a Strong Mother next to you or submit your information to be featured, please click the link below for more information.

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