As Strong As The Mother Next To Me Spotlight: Jamie DiCicco


Meet Jamie DiCicco, Co-Owner & Managing Partner
of Eightyeight Threads

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Jamie, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us. Let’s start with who you are both personally and professionally. Give us the 30-second elevator pitch that you would give when asked to introduce yourself.

I’m a wife and mama during the day and a nurse in the operating room come afternoon to night! In between all of that, I am the co-owner of eightyeight threads, a women’s online boutique that I started with an old & close friend. Gotta manage that time wisely! Never seems like there are enough hours in a day!

What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?

“To me, that phrase means that every mother, whether she is working from home, away from home, or is a stay-at-home mother, is someone that is always busy and is always planning for their child’s day and for their own day. Mothers are the best multitaskers. Since becoming a mother last year, I have gained the utmost appreciation and respect for mothers. It can be extremely overwhelming, mentally, emotionally & physically. We come back for more the next day! I can definitely repeat the phrase, “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me.”

Tell us about yourself as a mother and businesswoman. Being a mother has been the greatest gift and the most exhausting at the same time! To add businesswoman in the mix makes me pretty proud of myself because I already feel I have no time. My days fly by faster with all the tasks that I have to accomplish before I leave my home to my other role as a nurse. The list of to-dos seem never-ending. There are days where I have it all together and those other days, well we all have them!

How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms both professionally and personally? It is important to me to surround myself with other moms because it truly helps me to be able to relate with other mothers and gain perspective.

I have been a nurse for 8 years now and have also worked in the operating room for that long. I love my career choice. My friend and I had always talked about starting our own women’s clothing boutique that had pieces of clothing that we would wear and pay for. Since our clothing boutique is online, it makes it easy for me to get things done in my own home for the business. Before I leave for work at the hospital, I make sure orders are put together and shipped out. This usually takes about 2 hours in the morning and this is done during my baby’s first nap! No time wasted here!

What challenges do you face as a mother and a business person? The challenges I face are definitely balancing the time. There are days where I don’t have a chance to work on the business and when I do have the time, I take that time to check off other tasks on my lists. I also want to spend as much time as I can with my son because that time is definitely precious and is fleeting before my eyes. A mama friend once told me that it’s ok to just pick two things on your list of to-dos every day. This has helped keep me in line and sane!

What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balancing work/home life? or thinking about starting her own business?  I would tell her to find the time, any time, to work on her business. That may be 30 minutes or an hour, but at least you are accomplishing putting the effort into your work. There are days she may not get to that task, but it is OK. Prioritize that list. If there are deadlines, work on those first. If the baby wants you to hold him in the middle of it, you hold him and do what you do best, multitask!

What are some of your favorite resources for business that have saved you time?? Honestly, having a business partner has helped save me time. What I can’t get to, she will.

Tell us about a challenging time in your business and how you overcame it? A challenging time was probably last year. We wanted to launch our business, but my partner was busy with her other job and I was busy at the hospital and being pregnant. It was hard to get to tasks and we definitely took our time with each task. We both understood each other’s situation and took the time we needed without feeling guilty. There was no need to rush. We launched our boutique this year and it was done on our time and when we were ready.

How did you build your community of moms around you and how have they impacted your life personally and professionally? I feel like us moms need to stick together. Every home is different and every mom needs someone to talk to or vent to and even just relate with. So many moms have helped me with advice and suggestions that I appreciate and I only try to do the same.

as strong as the mother next to me“As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” was built on the principle and belief that with the right community and sisterhood you can move mountains. Founder Niki Jones is a single mother and entrepreneur who understands that leaning on her circle doesn’t make her weak; it makes her unstoppable.

Research supports that by doing good or paying it forward, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.

MOTHERHOOD IS HARD ENOUGH. San Diego Moms wants to provide an experience and community that is inclusive, uplifting and supportive to ALL moms. By empowering and lifting each other up, we become better women, partners, leaders, and friends.

At this time I would like to ask you to MOMinate two moms and tell us why they are the Strong Mother Next to You . . .

Tiffany McGrath

“She is a nurse that I work with who is also working on her Master’s!
So proud of this mama!”

Ryanne Garza

“She is a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst and owns her own center
for children with Autism. She is such a hard working mother and her
work never stops!”

To nominate a Strong Mother next to you or submit your information to be featured, please click the link below for more information.

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