Thanks for your interest in our business directory or a niche lifestyle guide!
San Diego Moms specializs in connecting local families and businesses through social, digital and event marketing.
Focused Guide Listings (Medical, Camps, Gifts, Baby List, School, Swim)
Click the button below and follow these instructions:
- Select continue as a guest
- Add your email / name Hit Next
- Choose which guide you are participating in and have paid for.
- All submissions must be approved after payment verification.
- Complete the form and hit submit.
- Be as thorough as possible when completing the form. In this listing you should focus the information to the focus of the guide.
Business Directory Listing
Click the button below and follow these instructions:
- Select continue as a guest
- Add your email / name Hit Next (If it requires you the second time)
- Choose ‘San Diego Moms Business Directory – Listing’
- All submissions must be approved after payment verification.
- Complete the form and hit submit.
- Be as thorough as possible when completing the form. In this listing you should only include general information about your business in your Business Directory Listing, not specific information about one area of your business.
Tips & Resources
- All listings will be approved within 24-48 hours once payment has been verified.
- Please upload horizontal / 16:9 formatted photos (not square or vertical) and make sure they are under 2MB.
- We recommend adding your logo to the corner of an image for additional branding, we don’t recommend uploading just your logo only as an Image.
- Please proofread your listing carefully as edits are challenging to make, and we will do our best to accommodate your requests.
- If you would like to make an update to your listing at anytime throughout the year, you may do so by completing this FORM.
Meet our Team

Niki Jones, Owner
Alexis Osuna, Sales & Events Director
Katie Allenbach,
Sales & Events Manager
Ashley Robbins,
Marketing & Sales Manager
Vianney Yamaada
Sales Manager (Fitness)
Partner Perks
Access to Close Facebook Group
- Join our closed Facebook Group (Optional) In this group we share special promotions, events and opportunities for partners.
Discounts on future advertising or SDM Events
- Based on availability
Swag Sponsorship Fees Waived for Events + Receive Up to $600+ in additional advertising
- Include a flyer or brochure for any SDM event ($25 Fee Waived)
- Simply mail the swag bag item to SDM Owner’s house one week prior to event date and complete this FORM (skip to swag & giveaway portion) to let us know you are sending it so we can add it to our marketing for the event.
Featured Event Calendar Listings
- Add your events to our community calendar and receive a FREE featured listing offering inclusion in roundup reels and email marketing based on availability.