Top 10 Comic-Con Survival Tips for Bringing your Little Ones



We’re within that exciting week lead up to that glorious time of San Diego Comic-Con! That’s right, SDCC is upon us! For some of us this is just our yearly requirement. Or this is may be your first go around? Or a little of both, first time tempting fate with a little one in tow. Have no fear! I have some tips that should keep you safe and enjoying the events! Even with the crowds, heat, and humidity.


  1. Prep Time With Your Family
    • This may seem silly, but we aren’t tiny! We aren’t kids. We understand what is fake, and what is real. Your little one might not be as open to seeing Michael Myers or Zombies right next to them. Gage if they are ready based on how they handle Halloween. Just think this will have any character known to man in tight spaces and it may not always be easy to turn them away, so prepping is key.
  2. Research!
    • I’ve said it before (San Diego Comic-Con For The Badgeless Family), I say it again: Research! Now’s the prime time to look at Celeb’s Twitters & Facebook’s along with all the Comic-Con sites. Keep your eyes open to all the Facebook events popping up left and right. There will be array of outside and inside people to see and things to do. Research will just help save you from missing that one character your child is in love with! Also, it helps for sensing the theme of the day or time of day. Typically, Sundays tend to be less crowded and more family friendly in themes. (Psst, I hear Nintendo is BACK this year! A new fun one Sprout/Universal Kids are going to have their own fun & free outside event too!)
  3. A Backpack Is Your Best Friend!
    • It will be HOT! It will be HUMID! So hydration is key! Water-bottles are a NEED! Sunscreen! Pack a back up outfit for when accidents happen or if someone is over playing dress up. Snacks, any and all snacks possible! Think diaper bag & Disneyland trip. Sanitizer & wipes are a must, it’s still Downtown. Another plus, is even if you are badgeless you will still score lots of SWAG! And at least you’ll have a place to hold it. In fact, make your kid bring their own (if they are big enough to do so). My kiddo carries her own swag and a tiny bit of swag snacks she collects along the way. It makes life so much easier.
  4. Bring Cash
    • I know you have your backpack ready to go, but cash helps big time! There will be smart street vendors and they will give you that backup in case you had 1 less water then planned. Even some hotels set up mini shops outside to get you by, but none of these will be any help without some cash at hand.
  5. Dress Light & Walking Comfy
    • Yes, you will see those forcing themselves into very painful cosplay costumes, but that isn’t for the faint of heart. Even seasoned pros have a hard time. Be a Superhero! But go for the lighter, breathable versions, with little to no makeup required, especially for the kids! Every year I have to talk my kid out of Catwoman, and every year she thanks me. Yes, we “break character” with wearing tennis shoes, but let me tell you it’s worth it!
  6. Plan Breaks
    • We use mealtime as our big break time. Food at a restaurant allows you a break from the crowd, break from the sun, and another good chance for a potty break. An extra perk is some of the restaurants get into the spirit and convert for Comic-Con. Break time will also allow for a good mellow time to people watch. Maybe play a little “Superhero BINGO”?
  7. Skip The Stroller
    • Comic-con is just too crowded. Outside it’s street, curb, stairs, and there isn’t even room to attempt navigating with it inside. The whole thing can be beyond packed! Trust me, it’s not worth it! Just don’t do it. Wear your kiddo if possible. Wearing may be hotter, but in the long run it will be a MILLION TIMES easier!
  8. Make It An Adventure
    • Don’t feel like you have to stick to a schedule. Don’t push yourself to drive in the Downtown crowds! There are so many ways to just get lost in the fun and even enjoy the ride. Personally my kid looks forward to this big weekend of Trolley rides. We try to guess which one. We make it a character “Eye Spy.” It’s a Blast! So are all the Gaslamp Pedicabs! Really they go out of their way to make it fun! Take one!
  9. Electronics Check
    • There are way too many photo ops for you to run into issues. Check your camera’s, batteries, cell phones, and backup power packs. Cellphones tend to drain faster and you don’t want to regret not having that backup charged, especially if that is your primary camera or planner.
  10. Have Fun!!!
    • The biggest part, go into it with eyes of a kid! Enjoy the colors. The characters. The vibe. The FUN! Remember, you really don’t “have to be” anywhere, if you get stuck at another spot, take a deep breath and try to enjoy where you are. There is fun in every spot if you look. Overwhelmed, tired, cranky? Go home and try again for a few hours the next day. 




  1. Great ideas, especially number 2! However I don’t think I can keep up with it all! Would SD moms blog be able to post some tips for who to see/where to go on Family Day as we get closer to SDCC?

    • Hi Tese!
      I will definitely try, but as you know it gets a little bit crazy, but I think there’s a good few I can try to put together for the outside events. Preview night is Wed, so hopefully I can before then. Thank you, glad this helps you to.

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