Andrea Relopez

Andrea Relopez
After spending nearly ten years in North County, Andrea and her family now call Temecula home. Her time in San Diego was spent studying International Relations and History at USD and attending to the challenges and opportunities that her husband's military service offered. Andrea has been married for ten years and is a mother to one daughter and two Corgi brothers. Andrea loves traveling, gardening, having girl time with her besties, exploring new things around town, and a hot cup of coffee. Her personal blog can be found at and she can be reached on instagram at

Guide to Temecula Parks

With San Diego rent and home prices continuing to climb, it's no surprise that many families are heading north to Temecula. The exponential growth of the city has led both to challenges and lots...
north park

Plan Your Own San Diego Girls’ Getaway

Celebrating your birthday as a parent can be tough. Coordinating childcare, schedules, and just getting out the door can seem like a pipe dream. Fortunately, thanks to grandparents, partners, uncles, and aunts, my girlfriends...

I Just Moved to Temecula. Now What?

With rent rates and mortgages continuing to climb in San Diego County, it's no wonder many families are choosing to make the trek up the I-15 in search of good schools, a little space,...

Get Your Home Organized With These Four Tools

Organization is so hot right now. Every other post on every newsfeed is someone Kondo-ing their closet, kitchen or bathroom inspired by Marie Kondo's Netflix series, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. Personally, I find the...
winter garden

Get Your Winter Garden Going. It’s Easier Than You Think!

Winter is a great time to introduce your family to homegrown produce. We've all had the experience of buying a bag or clamshell of greens only to have to throw it out because your...
native american

How You Can Be An Ally During Native American Heritage Month

What are you thankful for? A roof over your head? The internet? The sweet, warm, cozy mug of coffee that you forgot on the counter? Me too friend, me too; all that and much...

Five Tips: Breeze Through the Airport with Kids

Flying can be a stressful proposition as a single adult; flying with a small child (or two, or three...) is madness. Getting through security while juggling car seats, carry-ons, purses, carriers, and those germ-infested grey...
beauty products

Minimize Your Beauty Routine with These 5 Products

Plastic Free July might be over, but there's always room to reduce the waste we produce. Using less plastic can feel like an overwhelming goal, especially when nearly EVERYTHING comes packaged in layer upon...
summer activities

Keep Them Busy: Free and Almost Free Summer Activities in Temecula

Chances are when you were a kid you looked forward to summer break. As an adult it can be a challenge; you're relieved of the pressures of drop offs and pick ups, but you...

Sundays Are For the Girls: Your Guide to Brunch in Temecula

All parents know that every so often you must to take some time to recharge. I’m fortunate enough to have a large group of friends that can occasionally get out and have some fun;...

Take a Hike: A Parent’s Guide to Native Southern California Plants

As Spring approaches, my daughter and I are always eager to hit the trails and find out which plants are blooming. Figuring out how to have the hike you want to have with a...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring is here, and San Diego is blooming with exciting events! 🌸 Your guide to all the seasonal fun is here with our Ultimate...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer