Daphne Gaghagen

Daphne Gaghagen
I am a wife and mother of a 4-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl, living in Chula Vista, California! My day job is working from home as a Social Business Manager for IBM. I also maintain my Instagram account, @mommyiloveyousobig. I love weightlifting, yoga, and trying out new recipes. I look forward to traveling the world and experiencing new things with my little family. I spend my free time at the gym, obsessing over Netflix shows, discovering new places and having a beer with the hubby or friends. I love making new mommy friends!
emergency kit during fire

What Goes In Your Emergency Kit?

With fires currently impacting San Diego and the recent devastation from LA fires, prioritizing disaster preparedness has never been more important. Historically, the fire season in California was mainly from May through October, with peak...
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How to Help Storm Victims in Texas & Other States

By now, we have all heard about what is happening in the South. At least 37 people are dead and 100 million are without power as multiple powerful storm systems bring record-breaking cold weather,...
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Top 6 New Year’s Eve Homemade Cocktails!

If you're anything like me and my family, you're staying home this New Year's Eve. We'll find a good cartoon countdown video somewhere, put out lots of yummy desserts and chips and dip, and...

Top 10 Pie Recipes for the Holidays!

In San Diego, a "chill in the air" qualifies as anything below 60 degrees. No matter the actual number, however, the subtle seasonal change signals all things baking to me and my family. Suddenly...
image of shop sign saying "Local"

Shop Local in San Diego in 2020

We received an overwhelming response to our initial "Shop Local" post and wanted to give you additional ideas for local purchasing in San Diego in 2020. As we all know, coronavirus has made operating...

Relieve Head, Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain Quickly

I've been hearing a lot from friends lately who are in pain. Some have begun working at home due to the pandemic and are trying to stay up-to-date with work while working from couches...

Bambino Sitters: Local, Qualified Babysitters Now Available Through Free App!

I know what you're likely saying to yourself as you open this article: "I don't even know if I need a babysitter yet . . . but I know I could use some help!" And that's...

How to Begin a Mindfulness Practice

An important note: None of the information below is a substitute for information and guidance from your own doctor, therapist, or specialist. Everyone is different, and while mindfulness can be helpful for a number...

Job Protection and Financial Benefits During the Coronavirus Crisis

This guest post was written for the San Diego Moms Blog by San Diego attorney Daphne Delvaux. The American employment law system is not set up for job protections and financial support during a mass...

The Mom Guide to Working From Home: 5 Must-Have Tips

I'm a work-from-home mom, full time and then some. I've been working remotely as a contractor for multiple companies for the last five years (I work in marketing, as a writer and blog manager.) It...

Motherhood: Winging It with Mom Culture

Chances are, you've seen these phrases somewhere on social media before: Raise Good Humans Raising Tiny Humans Is Exhausting Motherhood: Winging It Caffeinated Like a Mother ExhaustDad Mom bosses all over the globe have connected to the Mom Culture brand, thanks...

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week – and Our San Diego Event!

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a cause near and dear to my heart. I was diagnosed as a compulsive overeater back in 2011, and I've spent years in recovery, working back toward...

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In + Around San Diego

The San Diego Summer Camp Every Kid (and Parent) Loves

With summer fast approaching, many parents are searching for the perfect camp, and if you want a flexible, all-inclusive, and child-led experience, Steve &...
bunny bash

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer