
Samantha Stradley

Samantha Stradley
Samantha is a San Diego native who manages to balance raising three girls (4, 3, and 7 months), and working full time. She enjoys being outdoors and exploring different parts of San Diego with her family when she isn't working. She is always trying to meet other moms and enjoys setting up lots of play dates for her girls to make new friends. Always trying the new craze, she is constantly learning about essential oils, cloth diapering, and other eco-friendly options for everyday use. She also has a slight addiction to baby wearing and has a small collection of Tula baby carriers. Samantha also loves singing and catching up on the Amazing Race and Survivor in her spare time. Samantha has been a surrogate mother and loves telling everyone she meets about the amazing journey of helping other families have children of their own, she can't wait to be a surrogate mother again. A busy lifestyle is what keeps her going!

Why I’ll Never Apologize for Being a Young Mom

  Since I was around the young age of 15, after my kid sister was born, I knew I wanted to be a mom. I just knew that it was what I was destined to do and...
ramona potato chip rock

Top 25 Must-See Sights and Attractions San Diego has to Offer

Whether you are new to San Diego or have been here since the day you were born, here is a list of 25 things everyone should do before the end of the year. San Diego...

Raising your Child Together When you’re not Together

My oldest daughter has two dads, she always talks about how lucky she is to have two. She has her dad- her biological dad, and my husband- her step dad. In today's world this isn't an...

10 Reasons Why You Should Stand Up For Your Rights as a Breastfeeding Mother

In honor of Breastfeeding Awareness month, I think it's important to remind ourselves why we breastfeed and all of the rights we have as breastfeeding mothers. Whether you nurse directly, pump and bottle feed,...

Managing the Chaos- How to Balance a Full Time Job and Full Time Mom-ing

I am a full time mom, we all are. When I say full time, I don’t mean 9-5, I mean 24/7, even when I'm asleep, on vacation, on a date, all of the time. I...

Chocolate Overload! The Perfect Snack for Every Nursing Mother

I have been breastfeeding for years it seems like. Four kids in four years and breastfeeding or pumping for all of them has been exhausting to say the least, but oh so worth it. But...

Their Pea My Pod- Infertility Through a Surrogate’s Eyes

I always had a feeling I wanted to be a mother. Those motherly instincts came naturally to me and I found myself imagining my children even at a young age. So it was no...

How to be a “Cool” Mom This Summer-Where to go for Some Water Fun

It gets hotttttt in San Diego, especially in the summer. If you want sunny warm weather 360 days a year, you are living in the right place! My kids and I are always looking for...

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In + Around San Diego

Kids FREE October: Your Ultimate Guide!

Kids FREE October Starts Today! This month, kids 12 and under can enjoy FREE admission with a paid adult at over 50 of San Diego...