  Time to read As parents, we all want our children to do well in school. We hope they find a subject they’ll enjoy. Of course, some subjects come easier than others. Then there is the notorious reading battle when we...
Suddenly, Airbnb's have become one of the best ways to travel in a coronavirus world where everyone wants to avoid crowds (and other family members), stay in nature as much as possible, and get a change of scenery for...
When holiday shopping for your kids, have you ever heard of the “want, need, wear, read” rule? I love thinking about those four things when it comes to shopping for my kids. I also love shopping for Toys for...
If you have faced challenges with distance learning throughout this pandemic, you aren't alone. Whether you are looking for alternative childcare solutions or to support your children through distance learning, there are a lot of options for your family! Here...
Once Fall hits, and the weather turns cool even by just a few degrees, I immediately head for this recipe. It's an easy, tasty, and even relatively healthy white chicken chili that our whole family loves!Ingredients 1 lb boneless skinless...
In celebration of a month of giving thanks and a season of showing kindness to others, my family enjoyed creating pasta dishes to celebrate Smart & Final's Pastathon. This year marks the 10th Annual KFI Pastathon. The Pastathon is about...
We received an overwhelming response to our initial "Shop Local" post and wanted to give you additional ideas for local purchasing in San Diego in 2020. As we all know, coronavirus has made operating small and independent shops extremely...
The holiday season reminds us to reflect and share what we are grateful for with others. But much like celebrating Mother’s or Father’s Day, I think we can all agree this shouldn’t only be done around Thanksgiving.  grat·i·tude  /ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun: the quality of...
We have seen 2020 throw us many curves and have had to adapt to change rapidly and like never before. As much as these adjustments have altered our routines and behavior, local small businesses have had to change course...
This whole COVID life has got me feeling like Lenny Kravitz - I want to get away. I wanna fly away. Except not fly - cuz, you know, COVID - just drive. So hubby and I decided to look...
With the kind of year we’ve had, I think it is safe to say that creating a holiday season experience that feels “normal” as possible is very important.  December is my favorite time of the year. The magical spirit of...
Breastfeeding for the first year, sleep training (and of course no co-sleeping), never missing an event because of your little ones "nap schedule" and well making organic fresh baby food from my home, were just a few of the...

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In + Around San Diego

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me: Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer

Meet Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, Mom + Owner, I-Orthodontics We are so grateful that Lindsay shared her story with us... "Hi I’m Lindsay, I’m an orthodontist and...