Do you recall taking music lessons as a kid? The pieces were assigned by those strict instructors who came to our homes and made us practice scales until our fingers bled. They never let us play what WE wanted...
I bet you are wondering how you are going to host a house-party during a shelter-in-place order? Don’t worry, with the ALL-NEW Houseparty App you don’t have to leave the house to host the most epic house party with your friends and...
The San Diego Moms Blog moms who work daily to inform, connect and serve the parents of San Diego are thrilled to announce our new name – San Diego Moms! Why? Because we do SO much more than blogging here...
Thank you for submitting your favorite recipe with us and allowing us to share it with our community! Recipes will be published both on the blog and in seasonal guides. Please fill out as much of form as you can...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...