Summer 2020 is here and Summer fashions are in full bloom! While many people are still opting to lay low at home, others are re-emerging and enjoying the warm weather. Lots of vibrant hues are popping this season such...
We all know self care is important, but while in quarantine and with kids home right now, it can be tricky. Resources are limited and quiet moments at home are far and few between, making self-care a non-priority for...
I have always believed that beauty comes from within and I do my very best to teach my daughter this as well. How our skin looks and feels has a lot to do with what we put into our...
Has anyone else been racking up the credit card points during the pandemic? I find myself adding things to my online shopping cart now more than ever before. I'm always a sucker for a good sale, and luckily there...
Like Elsa's snowflake flurries, Sip Shop Brunch has come and gone! What a magical event filled with incredible vendors, a gracious host, and unforgettable performances from The Storybook Character Company's Elsa and Anna, who debuted their Frozen II costumes...
For all the beauty enthusiasts out there, the new year has kicked off in high gear with colorful, stunning, and bold makeup trends for 2020. Looking great doesn't have to cost a fortune or break the bank, so check...
I remember when I first began to wear yoga leggings. It was around 2004 when I started Bikram Yoga, and one of the teachers there sold a line of yoga clothing. Those were my first leggings outside of the 90’s...
Southern California winters are nothing like anywhere else in the world, but these last few weeks have been a lot colder than usual. Colder weather, even in San Diego, means drier skin, so I thought I’d share a few...
Yes ladies and gents, it's that time of year when the holidays have once again snuck up on us. It also means Christmas and New Years parties, office holiday parties, school performances at our kids' schools and many other...
It’s almost Halloween, no doubt one of your kid’s favorite holidays!  And who can blame them?  I remember loving it as a kid!  It’s spooky, I mean, who doesn’t love the adrenaline rush and suspense of getting scared out...
I am sure that I am far from the only mama out there who loves spa time, self-care, and pampering. Navigating school schedules, extracurricular activities, and a daily work commute often leaves us mamas depleted and without the time...
I was recently introduce to Beaute Nouveau, a locally owned botanically based beauty line that includes a vast lineup of products for all skin types for the face and body. I was so lucky have just moved in right...

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In + Around San Diego

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me: Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer

Meet Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, Mom + Owner, I-Orthodontics We are so grateful that Lindsay shared her story with us... "Hi I’m Lindsay, I’m an orthodontist and...