Stress. Anxiety. Depression. Do you struggle with any of these issues? Whether the struggle is mild or severe, the reasons vary between difficult situations and chemical imbalance. However, this post is not about the hows, the whys, nor the whats....
Being a mom is really hard. There isn’t one day that goes by that I don’t think this job is the toughest I’ve ever had. Of course I am in the trenches right now with a 1 year old and...
I am a full time mom, we all are. When I say full time, I don’t mean 9-5, I mean 24/7, even when I'm asleep, on vacation, on a date, all of the time. I am constantly worrying about every little...
After Oscar and I became parents, (while still attending SDSU) our evenings started to revolve more around videotaping our daughter, Isabella learning how to roll over, and less about partying. We had been best friends for years and our relationship...
I woke up with my Facebook and home page FLOODED with recent shooting events. Louisiana, Dallas, Minnesota. My heart is breaking. My stomach is turning. My mind is racing trying to figure out why. I just want to grab...
My loving husband, I will never outgrow you. A lot has changed since we were first married. Back then we seemed to agree about almost everything... we were both on the "same page." Foolishly I thought it would always be...
Shaken from my sleep, I could hear my husbands excited voice,  "I think we have to go." I looked out our bedroom window and could see flames directly upwind of our home, which is nestled down a private tree-lined...
There is no shortage of hospital bag lists on Pinterest and blogs. After comparing several and seeing many of the same items on the “must bring” lists, I packed my hospital bag 5 weeks in advance of my due...
It’s been a year since I made the decision to leave my stressful job to be a stay at home mom. The timing was perfect- it was right before Summer, and by staying home I didn’t have to pay...
We all have them, dirty little secrets, whether it's hiding from your kids so you can sneak in some alone time or wearing the same shirt two days in a row and not caring. My dirty little secret included a...
So, here I am, waiting in front of a trendy restaurant, trying to get in for brunch. A kind woman leans over and asks about my daughter in her stroller-age, name, all the basics. She starts telling me about...
Summer is here and the need to keep my child entertained greatly increases. My go-to places are SeaWorld San Diego, or the San Diego Zoo. Both parks are perfect for entertaining and tiring out the young ones, but one thing...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...