Tag: tips

Top 10 Comic-Con Survival Tips for Bringing your Little Ones

We're within that exciting week lead up to that glorious time of San Diego Comic-Con! That's right, SDCC is upon us! For some of...

5 Tips You Didn’t Think of When Traveling with Baby

Traveling with babies can be very challenging, even more so when you travel by yourself. This mama right here has been on nine different...

Five Tips For Making the Perfect Birthday Slideshow

  I just love birthday traditions. There is something so special about celebrating the same way year after year. One of our family’s favorite traditions...

Summer is Coming! Have some Fun in the Sun and Protect...

As I approached the 12th anniversary of my dad’s passing, I found myself thinking more and more about some of the choices we make...

Random Acts of Kindness Day: How Will You Show Kindness Today?

Happy National Random Acts of Kindness Day! (February 17th, 2017) Do you get as excited about unofficial holidays as I do? Kindness Day has me...

Social Media Safety Tips, Teen Edition: Parents Be Vigilant!

Did you know that San Diego is one of the largest sex trafficking city hubs in the nation? Furthermore, people involved in sex trafficking and...

2017: New Year, New Focus. Let’s Shake it up!

Each New Year, we make new resolutions. We look forward to new beginnings. And we make promises to ourselves and others that often last...

Making Christmas Memorable with Experiential Gifts

This year we'll be celebrating our baby's first Christmas and I want it to be special but at the same time I don't want...

Breakfast Spots! 6 Favorite Locations for San Diego Families

San Diego has become a foodie favorite and boasts some of the most gorgeous scenic views in the nation.  However, when parents of young children want...

5 Super Tips to Engage Your Teenager

When our children are babies, our days are filled with feeding, rocking, bed time stories, and not nearly enough sleep. In the blink of an...

What Potty Training Taught Me About Parenting

I remember when it was time to start potty training our oldest daughter. She had been showing a lot of the “signs” that she...

Traveling with Baby: Tips for on the Road and in the...

My parents have been planning an RV road trip from San Diego to Seattle for months. My niece is turning 2 and I wanted...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring is here, and San Diego is blooming with exciting events! 🌸 Your guide to all the seasonal fun is here with our Ultimate...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer